Thursday, May 19, 2011

Massage Chairs Quiet Low Back Soreness | Articles Irresistible

Did you know that low back pain affects hundreds of thousands of people each year? We all know the symptoms. One wrong twist or turn and our back makes a twang and ouch! Sometimes, it happens fast, while other times its a gradual process. Symptoms develop through times perhaps starting with stiffness and progressing on to soreness. At some point in our lifetime, we will experience low back pain. As someone that has lower back pain, I found that a massage chair has helped in many ways.

First off, we know that prevention should be our first and foremost goal. So I will present some quick items to consider. Preventing low back pain means taking positive action to improve your overall health as well as your back health. First realize that you must protect your back in your activities. This means learning the correct ways of lifting, sitting and standing.

The most common areas to correct are your standing posture, sitting positions and lifting techniques. These are areas of the highest probability of an injury. So if you are standing, hold your head up high and put your shoulders back. Try not to slouch forward. This creates concentration of pressure on your spinal column.

How good is your sitting posture? Do you slouch or do you sit upright? If you slouch, then you make your upper body compensate for the uneven distribution of weight. This will begin to fatigue those muscles as they have to take more than their normal share of your body weight. Try sitting up straight and put your shoulders back. If you sit right, it actually feels better.

What about activities that involve lifting. Learning proper lifting techniques are important. When you pick up heavier items, they can do more damage to your back. Heavier items have more mass and require more effort which puts more strain on your back. When lifting items, it is critical to use your legs. Bend your knees and let your legs do the lifting, not your back.

Massage chairs help relieve lower back pain by massage treatments. There are a variety of programs I have used to reduce soreness and discomfort. A rolling massage helps to adjust the vertebrae. You can use a shiatsu massage to relieve soreness and to revitalize your muscles. I have even used some of the traction features of the newer massage chairs to stretch my lower body.

Relax your back with a soothing rolling massage from a massage chair. The rolling massage moves the rollers up and down the spine. The chair is usually reclined back so the weight of the body is used to help adjust each disc in the spinal column as the roller passes each one. This provides a stretching of the soft tissues which helps to keep them flexible and elastic.

One excellent therapeutic program on many massage chairs is the Shiatsu massage program. The Shiatsu technique originally comes from Japan and uses acupressure points as well as certain pressure techniques to relax the body. This massage is invigorating and provides soothing relief for the whole body.

Some of the more advanced massage chairs have a traction system. The massage chair will actually hold your feet. It raises the leg rest to the horizontal position. With you in a seated position, the leg rest starts to move downward to 3 successively lower positions. This stretches out the lower body. All this while you are getting your massage treatment!

If you have back pain, then a massage chair may be an important compliment to your overall health and wellness plan. Prevention is certainly the best medicine. However, if you are affected by low back pain, then finding the right treatments is paramount to proper recovery. A massage chair can help you both on the prevention side and on the recovery side.

Browse through different Massage Chairs for Back Pain and find what is best to suit your needs. There are a great variety of massage therapies and supplemental treatments as well which can make a more holistic experience. Peruse our extensive library of candid Massage Chair Reviews covering as many models as we have tried.


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