Saturday, May 21, 2011

Learn Basic EFT Tapping Technique Tips | Self Improvement Blogs ...

Each and very individual experiences his own crisis in life. When you are faced with a problem, you take it seriously. You think about how it can be resolved until you get deprived of adequate sleep.? Once and for all, you want to feel happier and healthier and you want to take away all your trapped feelings. The EFT is an amazing?tapping technique?that can help you free your emotions by tapping onto the body?s meridian system just like acupuncture, but without needles. Is this really possible?

The tapping technique?was initially and originally developed using the 9-Gamut method which included the individual finger points. The newly modified version is now widely used by different EFT practitioners with amazing success rates on the record. To learn more about this technique, here are some basic tapping tips that will help you get started.

The very first thing that you have to do is to tune into your body. It?s your body?s sensations that will tell you what is really bothering you. Observe and notice the physical sensations that represent your emotions. Do you feel pain in your head? Do you have tightness in your chest? Notice the sensations and tap on the points with the first two fingers of either or both hands. Tap out your refusal to change. Tap phrases like ?I won?t change?, ?I?m not doing it?, and ?You?re not my boss?. Speak this sentence and let your inner lifeguard finish it- ?It won?t be safe to ______ because _____.? Remember not to tap too hard. A complete round of tapping will help release the negative energy.

The EFT?tapping technique?is also an effective tool if you want to get rid of a thing that scares you or bothers you or that keeps you awake at night. It can be anything from fear of crowd, anxiety or anger to someone. Rate the intensity level from 0-10 where 0= no distress and 10= highest level of discomfort. Develop a set-up phrase that starts with an ?Even though I?? and follow it with the affirmation ?I deeply and completely accept myself.? You can tap onto the following points: eyes, side of eye, under eye, nose, chin, collar bone, underarm, and head. Through this, you can peel away the layer of an issue until you can feel that it has been cleared.

There are many people are looking forward to undertaking this EFT?tapping technique?because this is one of many ways of moving on to the direction of your heart?s desires. This brings more happiness, abundance and your well-being.

Leon Edward helps people in Personal and Career Growth, leadership Development, Goal Setting, Success, Motivation, Self-Improvement, Happiness, Memory Improvement, Stress Reduction and more through his articles, blog posts and special reports . Join Leon Edwards Awesome Success Free, Get his personal success, development and growth weekly newsletter as well as success classics and tips on attracting success and wealth. Visit his Success-Leadership Library, Articles at Leon Edward also helps people improve IQ, focus, memory, concentration, creativity, speed reading, public speaking , time management and reducing stress. Download his IQ Mind Brain Memory Self-Help library at his website http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.comLeon Edward helps people improve in Leadership Development, Goal Setting, Success, Motivation, Self-Improvement, Happiness, Memory Improvement, Stress Reduction and more through his articles, blog posts and special reports . Join Leon Edwards Awesome Success Free, Get his personal development training, success and growth weekly newsletter as well as success classics and tips on attracting success and wealth. Visit his Success-Leadership Library, Articles at

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