Monday, May 16, 2011

Cantaloupe Nutrition ? An Analysis on the Muskmelon ...

Cantaloupe is a delicious fruit which gives out a rich flavor. Further, it is a storehouse of nutrients. If consumed on a regular basis, it will offer protection from many diseases including different types of cancers. It calms down the senses if taken after a rigorous physical activity.

Cantaloupe NutritionPHOTO BY FLICKR.COM/45688285@N00/

There are a number of sources from where you can get reliable information regarding cantaloupe nutrition. Cantaloupes, also known as muskmelons, have very low fat content. There are other interesting details related to cantaloupe nutrition. This fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins which are essential for the body. Cantaloupe contains Vitamin A which contributes a great deal to improving the eyesight and also offers protection against cataract. It also helps to maintain the health of mucus membranes and skin. The antioxidant flavanoids like Cryptoxanthin and Zeaxanthin protect the body from cancers affecting oral cavity and lungs. It could be consumed in the morning with cereal, in the afternoon with salad, and also eaten as a snack.

Calories in Cantaloupe - Know it Better

The calories in cantaloupe vary according to the size of the fruit. For example, 28g of cantaloupe contains 10 calories, a small one contains 150 calories, and a large one has about 277 calories. Since the calories in cantaloupe per serving are very low as compared to other fruits, it is an excellent choice for those people planning for a weight loss program. A cantaloupe which weighs around 100g has a water content of 90.15g, proteins of about 0.84g, carbohydrates of about 8.16g, fat content of about 0.19g, Calcium of about 9mg, Potassium of about 267 mg, Iron content of about 0.21mg, and so on.

Benefits of Cantaloupe - More Facts

The benefits of cantaloupe are many. It is a rich source of beta-carotene which helps to prevent cancer and also the degeneration of cells present in the body. The Vitamin C in cantaloupe helps to strengthen the immune system by stimulating the white blood cells which kill the bacteria and viruses that cause many health problems. In addition, Vitamin C also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, etc. The B-complex vitamins and the dietary fiber in this fruit contribute to energy production in the body. Further, cantaloupe helps to maintain blood sugar in the normal level, and also aids digestion.


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