Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dealing with Depression Menopause

Depression in women is a major concern, especially in later life. Changes in their bodies, a woman can feel less like a woman and to convince them of his normal life. Depression can be treated with both drugs and herbal formulation. Some women can also claim children have to employ professional help to design are all changes that occur and the loss of the ability to. Changes in diet and exercise may be all that is needed to combat some, is Symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes and weight gain.

Change of life is a natural process for women, usually 45-55, to begin physical changes mentally and spiritually. Due to changes in the female body, the depression is a major concern. This is partly do to hormonal changes that their bodies. A woman can start a negative sign, such as irritability, anger, etc., lead us to believe that it would be over> Menopause. A woman has of course a reduction in their reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone, the hormone that regulates its monthly period will be less production, which are less predictable ovulation. Estrogen, a female hormone, regulates the reproductive cycle. menopausal changes begin occurring when the body begins to reduce estrogen levels in the. Women are often depressed because of these changes in the body. Women may develop facial orBody hair, decreased breast firmness, weight gain and irritability. This is a good time for a woman with your doctor about the diagnosis of the visit 'change of life. "

There are several reasons why women can go, what the symptoms of menopause is called ? Some women experience an early total hysterectomy is the removal of the organs of all female reproductive organs. Typically, a hysterectomy is preformed because of the very irregular intervals, or the development of tumors or cysts.Other women may experience this because of the radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

The symptoms of menopause, women are from women. Depression is very worrying, not only what one expected, the woman should occur. There are other changes that may occur. vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, vaginal itching, sleep disturbance, insomnia, increased abdominal fat, probably in part to the desire for carbohydrates, thinningHair, acne, weight gain, memory loss, fatigue, mood swings, depression, hot flashes.

Depression, one of the symptoms of menopause is also a mental disorder. You should suspect depression if possible sleep was disturbed, sadness remains more than 2 weeks there is a feeling of inadequacy, lack of interest in participating in certain activities, the changes had an interest before that. It is usually a pre-existing depression beforethe signs of menopause symptoms. If you suffer from depressive symptoms, it is very important to go see your doctor as soon as possible. Depression can be treated easily and should not be left untreated. Women have an appointment with your doctor .. It may be that depressed women may only hormone replacement therapy, vitamins, antidepressants or some type of drug that can change your mood, your doctor may prescribe.

There are also some lifeStyle changes and home remedies which has in reducing negative symptoms and what they themselves feel better and not a woman to help live with depression.


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