Sunday, May 15, 2011

Colon Cancer Symptoms | Natural Colon Cleansing Products ...

Colorectal cancer is not always present symptoms in its early stages. symptoms of colon cancer do not usually appear until the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. This makes screening for colon cancer are very valuable ? can detect colon cancer at an early stage before symptoms begin to appear

signs and symptoms of colon cancer are:.

? Change in bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in consistency of stools for more than a few
weeks ? Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool its
? persistent abdominal discomfort and cramping , gas or pain
? A feeling that the bowel does not empty completely
? weakness or fatigue
? weight loss, which can not be explained

there is no single cause for colon cancer intestine. almost all colon cancers begin as non-cancerous (benign) polyps, which slowly turn into cancer

are at higher risk for colon cancer if:.
? are older than 60
? are African American and Eastern Europe
line ? Eat foods high in red meat or processed
? What is cancer elsewhere in the body
? What is fat
polyps ? What is inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn?s disease or ulcerative colitis)
? have a family history of colon cancer
? as a personal history of breast cancer

What you eat can play a role in risk of colon cancer. Colon cancer may be associated with a diet rich in fiber, low in fat and red meat. However, some studies found that the risk does not drop if you switch to a diet high in fiber, so the reason for the connection is unclear.
Remember that some foods such as beets, watermelon, and red licorice for the stools turn red. to be on the safe side, always report any suspicious activity on the bench with your doctor.

What you eat can play a role in risk of colon cancer. Colon cancer may be associated with a diet rich in fiber, low in fat and red meat. However, some studies found that the risk does not drop if you switch to a diet high in fiber, so the reason for the connection is unclear.

your doctor will do a physical exam and press on the stomach. The physical exam rarely shows the problem, although doctors may feel a mass in the abdomen. A rectal exam may reveal a mass in patients with rectal cancer but not colon cancer. for more
in Colon Cancer Symptoms back Pain


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