Thursday, August 11, 2011

Reynolds Performance ? Self Improvement ? Your Success Depends on ...

>If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you won?t. If you?d like to win but think you can?t, then it is almost certain you wont! Life?s battles don?t always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!

Your thinking determines the far you go in life. Therefore, your attitude is much more important than education, money, circumstances, failure, success and appearances. It is what makes or breaks you. ?What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us? ? Walt Emerson

One of the greatest tests? of our attitude is problems. Most people begin very well until they meet challenges, then whatever they were passionately pursuing becomes a subject of history. But men with positive attitude are men who see challenges as opportunities to excel. ?Problems make people; people do not make problems? -John C. Maxwell. The most successful men and women of our times; men who own the tallest sky scrappers in big cities across the world, are men who met with and encountered uncountable challenges. And most of them would tell you that without those challenges, they wouldn?t be where they are today. Challenges aren?t meant to destroy us, they are only meant to catapult us towards our greater assignment.

Business comes with it challenge and it?s through this obstacles that we are sharpened to be better entrepreneurs. Take that risk and start your small business today, have an attitude of self believe and you are bound to succeed in your endeavors.


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