Sunday, July 21, 2013

Raptor Expert Says Eagle Shootings Up after Web Video - Hancock ...

Saturday, July 20 2013 @ 02:42 AM EDT

Contributed by: MaryF

Wildlife News

By Glen Moberg
Wisconsin Public Radio News
Wed January 23, 2013
4:38 pm


A fake video of an eagle abducting a baby has been followed by a rash of eagle shootings in Wisconsin, according to one of the state's top wildlife rehabilitators.


When an eagle is shot in Wisconsin, it is usually taken to Marge Gibson's Raptor Education Group Center near Antigo. Gibson says since the fake video went viral on YouTube a little over a month ago, four eagles and a rough-legged hawk have been shot and delivered to her doorstep ... more than she usually gets in a month. ?That's a lot more. They actually come from all over the state. Two were from the Hayward area, one from the Green Bay area, one from Almond Wisconsin, and another from further south."

Read the rest of the story HERE


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