Thursday, July 11, 2013

'The Need for Spending Reform: The $17 Trillion Debt Threat & America?s Spending Addiction'

A live event this morning with Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz, and Governor Ed Rendell called, "The Need for Spending Reform: The $17 Trillion Debt Threat & America?s Spending Addiction." Panelists include Veronique De Rugy, Representative Adam Kinzinger, and Pete Hegseth.

Watch here:

More details:

The Need for Spending Reform

The $17 Trillion Debt Threat & America?s Spending Addiction

The federal government will soon hit yet another grim fiscal milestone???$17 trillionin national debt?with no end in sight. America's unsustainable balance sheet reflects a spending addiction that, if left unaddressed, poses long-term economic consequences and national security threats.?Concerned Veterans for America?believes only spending reform?across the government and including everyone's "sacred cows"???can return the country to a sound fiscal track.?

How can America best address this spending problem? ?What are the short-term opportunities and long-term necessities? ?How can veterans, and all Americans, demand real spending reform??On July 11th,?Concerned Veterans for America?will sponsor a?Weekly Standard-hosted event to answer these urgent questions.

Keynote addresses from:? ??

Senator Marco Rubio

United States Senator from?Florida

Senator Ted Cruz

United States Senator from?Texas

Governor Ed Rendell

Co- Chair,?Campaign to Fix the Debt

Panelists include:

|| Veronique De Rugy???Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center??||

||? U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger -?[IL-16]??||

|| Pete Hegseth???CEO,?Concerned Veterans for America??||

EVENT:??? ?? ??? ???? The Need for Spending Reform | The $17 Trillion Debt Threat
DATE?:????????????????? Thursday, July 11, 2013???????????????????????????????????????
TIME:?????????????????? 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. ET (registration begins at 7:30am)


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