Saturday, September 3, 2011

News and Clues from Around the Web

Post image for News and Clues from Around the Web

Online research has always been an important part of our investigation.? In addition to books and old fashioned experimentation, the Internet is one of the primary resources we use to gather information about various causes and cures for the dreaded blight.

Many of my fellow cellulite investigators send me links to relevant articles, videos, discussion forums, etc.? Often I end up writing a blog post about them, but sometimes the link provides only a small clue to the cellulite mystery?not enough to write a full post about but definitely worth noting.? That is why I am launching a new series called ?News and Clues from Around the Web.?

Now You Can Add Directly to the CI Files

Every Friday, our News And Clues column will provide links and brief write ups for bits of cellulite-related information throughout cyberspace.? But I?m not the only one who can contribute.? For the first time, I?m adding a linky tool that allows YOU to add a link directly to the News and Clues post.

If you are a blogger and have a post that is related to our investigation, please share the link below.? It could be about a real food recipe, natural living, a book review about health or nutrition, an exercise update? anything that might provide a clue for our investigation (back links are appreciated!).? If you?re not a blogger but you came across a relevant link to share, please go ahead and post that, too.?? If we receive too much spam from the bloated anti cellulite industry, I will have to adjust the rules.? But for now, we?ll just see how it goes.? Please let me know what you think in the comments section.

Without further ado, here we go with the first edition of News and Clues.

Cellulite News: Bone Broth is the New Lipo posted an article called Bone Broth: Heal Your Gut and Lose Cellulite! It explains the health benefits of broth and then provides instructions for selecting bones, simmering the stock, and more.? It?s exciting to see the word is spreading!? (Thanks to Soli for sending me this link on Facebook.)

Cellulite Clues: Supermodel Eats Coconut Oil to Stay Thin

The Healthy Home Economist has a post about a supermodel who eats coconut oil by the spoonful.?? Miranda Kerr, and Australian and recent mother, says she has been eating coconut oil since she was 14.? ?I will not go a day without coconut oil. I personally take four tablespoons per day, either on my salads, in my cooking or in my cups of green tea.?? The article explains that U.S. doctors call Kerr?s diet ?risky? because of the high fat content.? (The Health Home Economist also has a great article about the wonders of gelatin and how to get more into your homemade stock.? Lots of useful info there!)

Cellulite News:? Fluoride is Toxic, Even Animals Are At Risk

D shared a link to a video that shows the devastating effect public water fluoridation can have on family pets.? Horses are especially sensitive.? Wayne and Kathy Justice had no idea what was killing their dogs and quarter horses until one winter, they noticed the horses health improved when they were observed eating snow rather than the ?pure? city water in their trough.? This story was broke by a local news station and the case was eventually published in a peer-reviewed journal.? The town halted public water fluoridation because of the tragedy.? Hopefully others will continue to follow.

Do you have any news/clues to add to our investigation?? Please add a link to the linky tool below.


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