Friday, September 2, 2011

Good Reads: Al Qaeda's No. 2, Africa hearts Qaddafi, and an American (jailed) in Pakistan

Today's top stories feature deeper looks at Al Qaeda's No. 2 man, why Africa still loves Qaddafi, and what Alabama has to do with Pakistan.

Here's what Monitor editors liked from the news feed of the past 24 hours ? good, meaty, well-reported stories with strong analysis on issues that matter: Why does the killing of Al Qaeda's No. 2 man signal a turning point for the terror group? Why does Africa still "heart" Qaddafi? (Hint: money). And what's a nice guy from Alabama doing in a Pakistani prison?

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Even after a decade, the war on terror continues to draw attention, and Brian Fishman in Foreign Policy argues that the reported killing of Al Qaeda?s No. 2 man, Atiyah abd al-Rahman al-Libi, may be a turning point in bringing down the terror network. Why? Because Atiyah was the communications guy, the one who could slip across borders and share information with operatives as far as North Africa. All the media?s attention may focus on Osama bin Laden?s right-hand man, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, but at a time when information is crucial for survival, Atiyah was the man with the real power.

?Atiyah's death, if confirmed, will hasten the demise of al-Qaeda as a functional covert network. Although one must assume Atiyah prepared for his death, his contacts must nevertheless now wonder what U.S. intelligence personnel knew his activities and communications that might now put them at risk. In a network reliant on trust, that suspicion creates a host of challenges for regenerating Atiyah's functional role. The door is open for intelligence agencies to play all sorts of tricks on folks in Atiyah's network -- and his contacts must know that.?

In Kabul, the Monitor?s Tom A. Peter also notes that since Atiyah was the second senior Al Qaeda leader killed inside Pakistan, a fact that rankles many Afghans who are starting to weary of the 10-year-long US military presence in their country.

Peter gets this quote from Saleh Mohammad Saleh, a member of the Afghan parliament from the border province of Kunar. ?After Osama and a lot of other Al Qaeda leaders were killed [in Pakistan], still America is here in Afghanistan. This makes the Afghans not trust anyone and be suspicious of the activities of America.?

In Libya, news that Qaddafi?s family members are fleeing across the border into Algeria were just the latest sign that things aren?t going so well for the king of kings. But this excellent piece by Monitor reporters Gert Van Langendonck and Kristen Chick shows that victory for the rebels is still not assured. Part of the reason is that rebels from the western part of the country don?t trust rebels from the eastern part of the country ? generally not a good sign for a new government.


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