Thursday, February 23, 2012

Self Esteem | Improving self confidence for public speakers

Public speaking has always been a way to inspire others and push others up to feel good about themselves. Most people who are into public speaking are doing it for all kinds of reasons like for seminars, business meetings, teaching, and all sorts of things. However, no matter what kind of public speaking that it may be, it?s still quite a tough task to accomplish if you don?t have the right confidence. For some, they want to pursue a career in public speaking, but they just don?t have the confidence to speak out exactly what it is that they want for their audience to know. Improving self confidence for public speakers may take some time, but the possibilities are endless when you think about all the different ways to improve your confidence.

Speak with friends and family

If you have yet to develop confidence at all for speaking in public, try asking your closest friends and family to judge and criticize you by doing a sample speaking session. Let them know that this is just for a practice, and as a way to help you learn how to cope with speaking in public. This technique is extremely helpful, as you can develop your confidence little by little when you seek their help. Try getting only one or two people first that you feel very confident about, and then when you?re ready, try speaking to as many close friends as possible.

Take public speaking classes

In order to feel confident in yourself, you need a good amount of education and knowledge to help you go out there with the confidence to do your best. You?ll have more confidence because you know that you were taught how to go out there and do good. Speaking classes will teach you several techniques to help get you the courage and the confidence to do it at the best of your ability.

Have more self belief

This tip may seem extremely useless or talked about so many times, but if you simply believe in yourself, and that you know you?re going to do good, it can help increase your chances at doing good. Every chance you get at thinking negatively only increases those chances happening. By believing in yourself and removing all negative thoughts, you?ll find yourself to go out there feeling more confident and relaxed to speak. Your own self belief makes a huge difference, so take advantage of what you feel inside.

Visualize the best speech you can give

This is another tip that may seem so common, but it helps to constantly visualize success. Visualization helps keep you elevated and gives you good vibes to keep you in the right mood. The right mindset can help keep your mind in the right spot for success when speaking in person. Remember, your mind can play a huge factor to your success when you speak publicly, so try your best to really try and visualize as much as possible before any time you?re about to speak in public.

Humor and humility goes a long way

If ever you feel nervous and you lack the confidence to give a good speech, don?t be afraid to humiliate yourself and crack some jokes. People love it when you combine everything, including your important message, along with some humor and humility involved. Humor doesn?t need to be perfect, and as long as you aren?t hurting anybody, then you shouldn?t have any problems.

What?s the worst that can happen?

If you think about it, what?s the worst that can happen? You may trip, fall over, say a ?bad word?. Okay! Just kidding! You just need to know that your audience wants you to succeed. Have you ever watched somebody speak in public and hope for them to mess up? No, and it?s simply because you?re a good person and you?re supporting the person up there, so it?s the same way that it works for you. Nobody wants for you to mess up, and even if you do, everybody will still end up cheering for you as long as you continue on with your performance.

Public speaking doesn?t need to be such a tough task. With these simple tips on improving self confidence for public speakers, you?ll soon discover the power you have at achieving the confidence you need for speaking in public.


albert pujols va tech dan gilbert david stern david stern julian beever

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