Thursday, February 16, 2012

Don't be a caveman! Use yoga to improve health and fitness | Dahn ...

The experience of fear makes a central, primitive part of your brain (the amygdala) override your more rational, civilized gray matter.

The experience of fear makes a central, primitive part of your brain (the amygdala) override your more rational, civilized gray matter.

Occasionally in day-to-day life, you'll run into a situation that is, shall we say, mega-stressful. We're not talking about running across a wild boar or fleeing from a saber-toothed tiger. No, we mean something like sleeping through your alarm or forgetting about an important meeting. In these situations, you can use yoga to improve health, fitness and your response to stress.

For situations that are tense but not life-threatening ? like speaking before a huge crowd ? rapid, shallow breathing does nothing to help you. So what can you do?

As psychiatrist Edward Hallowell told Wired Magazine, it all comes down to breathing slowly and deeply. He noted that the experience of fear makes a central, primitive part of your brain (the amygdala) override your more rational, civilized gray matter, essentially turning you into a Neanderthal.

"When those deep brain areas are active, they shanghai your cortical neurons," Hallowell explained to the news source. "Your IQ plummets. Your creativity, your sense of humor ? all of that disappears. You're stupid."

He recommended breathing deeply, doing yoga or even taking a cat nap. So just remember: The next time you're in a pinch, use deep breathing. That's how to improve health, wellness and relaxation all at once!

Tags: how to improve health, improve health, improve health and fitness


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