Sunday, March 10, 2013

Real estate license will take time and study |

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With real estate looking like a good thing again, I'm thinking about selling houses. How many people are there selling in Jackson County right now and how long will it take to get licensed?

? Simon K., via email

Yes, Simon, real estate is heating up here and in other parts of the state and country.

Tina Grimes, executive officer for the Rogue Valley Association of Realtors, said there are nearly 1,000 licensed agents at present. Only about 750, however, are actively selling real estate.

"You always have a handful with licenses so they can buy their own investment property," Grimes said. "Others are semiretired and others aren't selling, but just not ready to give up their licenses."

At the peak of the real-estate boom in 2006, there were more than 1,500 licensed agents in Jackson County, she said. However, only about 1,250 were members of the RVAR.

As for getting that license, you will need to block off some time on your calendar. Grimes said requirements include 150 hours of class time prior to licensing.

That includes real-estate law, practice, finance, contracts, agency law, property management and brokerage study.

A real-estate broker license is the entry-level certification in Oregon. New brokers must work under the supervision of a principal broker and do business under a principal broker.

Details are available at

Even after passing your classes and exams, Simon, you'll have to fulfill continuing education requirements.

Send questions to "Since You Asked," Mail Tribune Newsroom, P.O. Box 1108, Medford, OR 97501; by fax to 541-776-4376; or by email to We're sorry, but the volume of questions received prevents us from answering all of them.

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