Saturday, March 2, 2013

Facebook Wins In Social Media Time-Spend - Business Insider

Social Media Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that collects and delivers the top social media news first thing every morning. You can sign up to receive Social Media Insights here or at the bottom of this post.

Facebook Still Dominates Social Media Market Share (comScore via we are social)
The major trend this year has seen social media platforms attempting to monetize and build reliable long-term business models. New revenue streams have led to growth in social networks large and small.

According to comScore, Facebook still holds a huge share of the U.S. social networking market, with the site taking 83 percent of total time spent on social networks. Perhaps slightly less expected is the second place social network; Tumblr takes the spot with a 5.7 percent share, followed by Pinterest (1.9 percent), Twitter (1.7 percent), and LinkedIn (1.4 percent). Read >>

Twitter Beats Facebook For B2B Lead Generation (eMarketer via Graham Jones)
Twitter is way ahead in the lead generation race for the business-to-business sector. A study found that Twitter outperforms Facebook and LinkedIn by nine to one in terms of generating leads.

In fact, the research shows that Facebook and LinkedIn are equal in terms of generating leads for B2B companies, but both are woefully Twitter. Read >>

Facebook Buys Service To Show Targeted Ads Across Web (The New York Times)
Facebook fired another salvo at its archrival Google with its acquisition of an advertising technology that can help Facebook put its piles of personal data to greater use for behaviorally targeted advertising. Facebook bought the advertising platform in question, called Atlas Advertiser Suite, from Microsoft. It further solidifies the social network?s partnership with Microsoft (Facebook offers users Microsoft?s search engine, Bing, for Web searches on its site). The acquisition allows Facebook to use the vast amounts of personal information it has about its billion users to send them targeted messages as they browse the Web. Read >>

What Are The Top Social Networks For Business? (SDL via IM Grind)
You have a business. Whether that be a bricks-and-mortar local business or an online business, you recognize the importance of being involved with social media. With an overabundance of information on the Web about social media, many business owners can run in circles following the shiny objects of social media. So what are the top sites for business?

Click here for the full infographic. Read >>

A 12-month Plan For Social Media Success (Intuit via Ragen Communications)
Before you start to stress and map out a route for the hills, take a look at this infographic about starting a plan for your social media efforts. While creating a social media presence for a brand is a major task, this graphic makes it easy, breaking down the process into 12 bite-sized tasks.

That's one per month. You can tackle one goal a month, right? Click here for the full infographic. Read >>

The Big Question In Social Media Marketing Everyone Is Afraid To Ask (Jeff Bullas)
The big question that is often asked about social media when it comes to investing money, resources and time is "What is the return on investment (ROI) ?" But there are also other questions. Should the first click or the last click get the credit? In the end both contributed. How about: "Is social media about engagement or selling and what are the results?" Here are some ROI data points. Read >>


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