Friday, April 5, 2013

Hillary Clinton Book to Hit Shelves in 2014

Hillary Clinton has inked a book deal with Simon & Schuster to write a wide-ranging book that the publisher says will cover "dramatic moments" from her tenure as secretary of state, "frame her thoughts about the recent history of U.S. foreign policy and the urgent, ongoing need for American leadership in a changing world."

The book, which so far does not have a title, is tentatively scheduled to be published in June 2014 , according to The Associated Press.

The AP also noted that "a person familiar with the book said that Clinton does not plan to write about the 2008 campaign or any possible future runs. The person was not authorized to speak publicly about the book and requested anonymity to discuss it."

There is no word on her advance. In 2003, Clinton published her memoir, "Living History," for which she reportedly received an $8 million advance.

What to expect, per Simon & Schuster's release:

The yet-to-be titled book will use a number of dramatic moments during Secretary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State to frame her thoughts about the recent history of U.S. foreign policy and the urgent, ongoing need for American leadership in a changing world.

She will write about her role in, and reflections on, such recent events as the killing of Osama Bin Laden; the overthrow of the Qaddafi regime in Libya; the transitions in Iraq and Afghanistan; the Arab Spring; the pivot to the Asia-Pacific; the rise of new powers like China, Brazil, Turkey, and India; building diplomatic coalitions to deal with Iran and North Korea; and our relations with important allies around the world. The book will also address many of the major trends reshaping the global landscape of the 21st century - trends in economics, energy and climate change, democracy and human rights, the critical role of women and girls, technology and innovation, health and human development, and more.

And she will share her views as to what it takes for the United States to secure and sustain prosperity and global leadership. Throughout, Secretary Clinton will offer vivid personal anecdotes and memories of her collaboration with President Obama and his National Security team, as well as her engagement with leaders around the world.

Full press release from Simon & Schuster below:


NEW YORK, April 4, 2013 - Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will publish a new book with Simon & Schuster, sharing key decisions and experiences as Secretary of State and her ideas for how the United States can address the challenges of a dramatically changing world in the 21st century.

"Hillary Clinton has redefined the meaning of 'trailblazer' in every phase of her career on the world stage, as First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and notably, as an author," said Carolyn Reidy, president and chief executive officer of Simon & Schuster Inc. "She is widely admired by her peers in the highest levels of government in both the United States and internationally, and has become a role model for millions. We couldn't be happier to continue our long association with Secretary Clinton and to bring readers worldwide her unique insights into the most dramatic events and critically important issues of our time."

"Hillary Clinton's extraordinary public service has given her a unique perspective on recent history and the challenges we face," added Jonathan Karp, president and publisher of the Simon & Schuster Publishing Group. "This will be the ultimate book for people who are interested in world affairs and America's place in the world today."

The yet-to-be titled book will use a number of dramatic moments during Secretary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State to frame her thoughts about the recent history of U.S. foreign policy and the urgent, ongoing need for American leadership in a changing world.

She will write about her role in, and reflections on, such recent events as the killing of Osama Bin Laden; the overthrow of the Qaddafi regime in Libya; the transitions in Iraq and Afghanistan; the Arab Spring; the pivot to the Asia-Pacific; the rise of new powers like China, Brazil, Turkey, and India; building diplomatic coalitions to deal with Iran and North Korea; and our relations with important allies around the world. The book will also address many of the major trends reshaping the global landscape of the 21st century - trends in economics, energy and climate change, democracy and human rights, the critical role of women and girls, technology and innovation, health and human development, and more.

And she will share her views as to what it takes for the United States to secure and sustain prosperity and global leadership. Throughout, Secretary Clinton will offer vivid personal anecdotes and memories of her collaboration with President Obama and his National Security team, as well as her engagement with leaders around the world.

Secretary Clinton is the author of four previous books, all published by Simon & Schuster: "It Takes a Village" (1996); "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy" (1998); "An Invitation to the White House" (2000); and "Living History" (2003). World publishing rights in all formats of the book were acquired by Carolyn Reidy from Robert B. Barnett of Williams & Connolly, who represented the author.

Jonathan Karp will edit the book, which will be published by the Simon & Schuster trade imprint in 2014.

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