Thursday, January 31, 2013

Success for new BlackBerry could mean jobs in Irving


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Posted on January 30, 2013 at 6:14 PM

Updated yesterday at 7:15 PM

Can a shiny new smartphone undo years of lackluster performance?

BlackBerry is sure hoping so.

In recent years, BlackBerry has lost a lot of customers and slashed a lot of jobs, including positions at its U.S. headquarters based in Irving.

A spokesman told that the company ?hadn?t listened to the market and what people were telling us they want out of smartphones."

But on Wednesday, BlackBerry got "smart."

Calling it "the start of a new era of mobile computing,? CEO Thorsten Heins officially unveiled a new smartphone the company hopes can compete with the likes of the iPhone and Android handsets.

?It's quite a lot like an iPhone, except with a larger screen and it's very fast," said industry analyst Peter Misek with Jefferies and Co.

BlackBerry could use more beneficial reviews like that one. The success of its new Z10 model is deemed critical to the troubled company's future.

It's equally important to the city of Irving, where BlackBerry is a Top 50 employer, providing around 500 jobs ? mainly higher wage positions in research and development and legal services.

The company ? which officially changed its name Wednesday from Research in Motion to BlackBerry ? also directly contributes about $700,000 annually to the city and school district tax base.

Following the BlackBerry Z10 unveiling, there was a much less flashy announcement. A spokesman from the Irving Chamber of Commerce told by phone that BlackBerry has indicated it may expand its North Texas workforce by as much as 10 percent, another 50 jobs.

A spokesman from BlackBerry, which just added some local positions in December 2012, wouldn?t confirm the company?s future hiring plans.



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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Polycom buying IT consulting firm Sentri to expand Microsoft services

Polycom has just announced plans to purchase Sentri, a Massachusetts-based IT consulting and managed services firm.

More significantly, Sentri's specialty is providing support for Microsoft business solutions.

Thus, the goals for Polycom with this merger are twofold: to grow its services business and beef up its own support for and integration with Microsoft products.

Citing 10 percent annual growth for the services unit in last week's earnings report, Polycom told ZDNet that this is another step for the San Jose-based company towards becoming a software company primarily for video collaboration.

Polycom has been a significant Microsoft partner for the last few years, especially since the two tech companies inked a broad agreement to team up on unified communications back in 2010.

Under that deal, Polycom agreed to develop unified communications systems for various Microsoft servers and products. In one example last year, Polycom its RealPresence video conferencing platform with Microsoft's Lync UC system to work on Hewlett-Packard's AppSystem for scalable operability on HP's networking services and storage.

In this light, Sentri -- certified as a Microsoft Gold Competency Partner with services dedicated to Lync, SharePoint and more -- appears to make a natural fit for Polycom.

Although an exact figure wasn't revealed, Polycom said it paid "less than $10 million" for Sentri. The deal is expected to close during the first quarter of 2013.


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GOP lawmakers see automatic cuts as leverage

(AP) ? Driven by frustration over deficits and debt, Republican conservatives are pushing a politically risky move to permit painfully large automatic spending cuts to strike the Pentagon and domestic programs alike in an effort to force Democrats into making concessions on the budget.

It's a remarkable turnabout from last year, when GOP leaders were among the loudest voices warning of dire consequences for the military and the economy if more than $100 billion worth of across-the-board cuts were allowed to take effect. Now, even as defense hawks fume, Republicans see the strategy as their best chance of wringing cuts from costly government benefit programs like Medicare that President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies have been reluctant to touch.

The move is fraught with risk. Some $43 billion would be cut from the Pentagon budget between March and October if battling Democrats and Republicans can't agree on an alternative. Equal cuts would hit domestic programs, although the health care programs that are major drivers of future deficits are largely exempt.

"In terms of the political dynamic here, defense spending is only 20 percent of the federal budget, but it's taking 50 percent of the cuts, which means it's going to be hitting the Republicans a lot harder than the Democrats," said defense analyst Loren Thompson. "Most of the nation's big military bases and many of its defense factories are located in Republican strongholds like the South, so Republicans are hurting themselves more than the Democrats by insisting on going forward with sequestration."

The automatic cuts, known as a "sequester" in Washington-speak, are the penalty for the failures of the 2011 deficit "supercommittee" and subsequent rounds of budget talks to produce an agreement.

Along with the threatened expiration of Bush-era tax cuts, the sequester was a major element of the so-called fiscal cliff crisis that gripped the country as the new year dawned. While most of the tax cuts ? except for upper-bracket income ? were made permanent, negotiators could only agree on a two-month reprieve to the sequester after finding $24 billion in replacement money that reduced this year's round of cuts from $109 billion to $85 billion. Eight more years of cuts, totaling almost $1 trillion, still remain.

The austerity, economists say, would slow down the economy. Under a formula by the Congressional Budget Office, a $43 billion cut in defense spending could cost 300,000 jobs this year.

On Wednesday, the government reported that the economy shrank by 0.1 percent in the last quarter of 2012 and said a slowdown in defense spending and uncertainty over the automatic spending cuts could have kicked in at the start of the year.

Last year, Republicans issued dire warnings of the impact the cuts would have. Defense hawks like Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., made campaign tours in political swing states like Virginia and Florida lambasting the cuts, warning that the reductions would hollow out the Pentagon and cost many thousands of jobs. They reminded voters that the sequester was an idea developed by Democrats during 2011 negotiations on increasing the government's borrowing cap.

"The White House is responsible for the 'sequester' that threatens our national security," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said in September. "History has taught us we can't continue with policies that jeopardize our defenses or weaken our economy."

So twice last year, House Republicans passed legislation to replace this year's round of cuts with alternatives like curbing the growth of food stamps and requiring federal workers to contribute more to their pensions.

Democrats instead put their faith in year-end, high-level budget talks involving President Barack Obama and Boehner, but those talks failed. Later, successful negotiations between Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., solved the tax issue but produced only the two-month fix for the sequester.

This year's GOP move to embrace the sequester was hatched at a recent strategy retreat for House Republicans in Williamsburg, Va. Much of the retreat was devoted to coming up with a way to solve a more urgent issue: finding a way to get the tea party-infused House to again increase the debt limit and prevent an economically devastating first-ever default on U.S. obligations. The party agreed on a strategy to punt the debt dilemma until May or later and instead use the sequester as leverage in the budget debate.

A senior House GOP aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss party strategy, said some Republicans see the sequester as their best opportunity to achieve spending cuts. That strategy, however, is rife with potential to split open the Republican Party and pits the defense hawks against the tea party.

"The world is blowing up. I can't imagine a more devastating signal to send to the Iranians and our enemies and our friends alike than to dismantle the military," Graham said. "In a body that's known for doing pretty dumb things, this to me wins the prize."

Such concerns, however, have been overruled by Republicans frustrated by a recent loss to Obama on the issue of higher tax rates and a $60 billion disaster aid bill to address Superstorm Sandy. The reality of the political firestorm that is sure to hit if the sequester kicks in doesn't seem to be a concern.

"These are the only cuts that we've been able to get from the president, and absent any other negotiations, I understand those who say, 'We're loath to give that up unless we come up with some substitute,'" said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. "It's bad policy, there's no question about it. But the president could be part of the solution, and right now he's AWOL."

How people would actually react should the across-the-board cuts hit is anyone's guess. But it's not lost on anyone with institutional history that Republicans got creamed in a similar situation in 1995-96 when they sparked a partial government shutdown under the leadership of House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.

"I'm just flabbergasted," said Scott Lilly, who was the top Democratic staffer on the House Appropriations Committee during the Gingrich shutdown. "The way they've played it, they're going to get a huge part of the blame because they're just openly accepting" the sequester.

With Pentagon uniformed military salaries exempt, the cuts to the rest of the agency are more severe, with big impacts on defense contractors and civilian Pentagon workers.

"I just don't think there's any appetite at this point in the Republican conference to 'fix' the sequester," said GOP lobbyist Jack Howard. "You have to wait until it actually hits, I think. And then we'll see."

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the warring parties should try to figure it all out, but he set up a clash with Republicans over using new taxes to fix the problem.

Reid said the sequester cuts should be replaced "in short increments" with spending cuts and revenues like repealing oil and gas subsidies, which were discussed in earlier negotiations.

"There are many low-hanging pieces of fruit out there that Republicans have said they agreed on previously," Reid said. There's a lot of things we can do out there, and we're going to make an effort to make sure that there is ? sequestration is ? involves revenue."

Associated Press


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Green Blog: Market for Bear Bile Threatens Asian Population

Bears await food on a farm in Fujian Province in China that is run by the pharmaceuticals maker Guizhentang. The company legally makes tonics from bear bile.European Pressphoto Agency Bears await food on a farm in Fujian Province in China that is run by the pharmaceuticals maker Guizhentang. The company legally makes tonics from bear bile.

The six bears that arrived this month at Animals Asia, an animal rescue center in China, had the grisly symptoms of inhumane ?bile milking.? Greenish bile dripped from open fistulas used to drain gall bladders; teeth were broken and rotted from gnawing on the bars of tiny cages.

Four of the bears have since had surgery to remove gall bladders damaged by years of unhygenic procedures to extract their bile, which is coveted for its purported medicinal properties. One bear?s swollen gall bladder was the size of a watermelon.

The latest batch of bears was rescued from an illegal farm by the Sichuan Forestry Department and joins 279 other bears at the center, near Chengdu in southwestern China. With luck, these bears will recover at the sanctuary. But thousands on farms, both legal and illegal, continue to suffer in wretched conditions, and countless others living in the wild across Asia are threatened by poaching and their illegal capture.

Bear bile contains a chemical called ursedeoxycholic acid, long used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gallstones, liver problems and other ailments. There are an estimated 10,000 farmed bears in China, 3,000 in Vietnam, at least 1,000 in South Korea and others in Laos and Myanmar.

Tigers, rhinos and elephants are notoriously poached to satisfy high demand in Asia for their parts, which are falsely assumed to have medicinal properties. Experts warn that sun bears and Asiatic black bears, known colloquially as ?moon bears,? are on a similar route to endangerment, although their plight draws less media attention. ?No bears are extinct, but all Asian ones are threatened,? said Chris Shepherd, a conservation biologist and deputy regional director of the wildlife trade group Traffic who is based in Malaysia.

To address the threat, the demand for bear bile must be sharply reduced, Dr. Shepherd, a conservation biologist told hundreds of researchers at the International Conference on Bear Research and Management, an annual event held recently in New Delhi.

Reducing demand would require a multi-pronged effort, experts say. That would mean enforcing existing laws, arresting and prosecuting violators, promoting synthetic and herbal alternatives, and closing illegal farms.

Chinese celebrities like the actor Jackie Chan and the athlete Yao Ming have both spoken out against the bear bile industry to raise public awareness about poaching and the inhumane conditions typically found on farms. Bears often live for years in coffin-like cages in which they are unable to stand or turn around.

The bile is extracted through catheters inserted into the abdomen, with needles or by bringing the gall bladder to the skin?s surface, where it will leak bile if prodded.

Legal farming was conceived as a way of increasing the supply of bile to reduce the motivation for poaching wild bears, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. But there is no evidence that it has done so, it noted in a resolution passed last September, and there is concern among conservationists that it ?may be detrimental.?

The resolution also called on countries with legal bear farms to close down the illegal ones, to ensure that no wild bears are added to farms; to conduct research into bear bile substitutes (there are dozens of synthetic and herbal alternatives) and to conduct an independent peer-reviewed scientific analysis on whether farming protects wild bears.

Some groups argue that the increased supply of farmed bile has only exacerbated demand. ?Because a surplus of bear bile is being produced, bile is used in many non-medical products, like bear bile wine, shampoo, toothpaste and face masks,? Animals Asia says. Since bear farming began in China in the early 1980?s, bear bile has been aggressively promoted as a cure-all remedy for problems like hangovers, the group added.

In mainland China and Japan, domestic sales of bear bile are legal and theoretically under strict regulation as prescription products. But such sales are illegal in Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, and the international trade is illegal as well.

Yet a 2011 report from Traffic indicated that bear bile products were on sale in traditional medicine outlets in 12 Asian countries and territories.

Nonprescription bear bile products like shampoo or toothpaste are illegal in China yet are readily available for purchase, conservationists say. Tourists from South Korea, a country that has decimated its own wild bear population, are major buyers in China and Vietnam even though taking bear bile products across borders is illegal under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna.

?Farms have drawn in bile consumers by creating a huge market ? farmed bile is cheap,? said David Garshelis, a research scientist at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources who is co-chairman of the I.U.C.N.?s bear specialist group.

In Vietnam, a milliliter of bile might sell for $3 to $6; about 100 milliliters can be extracted from a bear each day, according to Annemarie Weegenaar, bear and director of the veterinarian team at Animals Asia?s Vietnam center.

In four years, the I.U.C.N. is to issue a report on whether bear farms threaten wild populations. Meanwhile, demand appears to be spreading further afield in Asia and is now growing in Indonesia, largely as a result of demand from the Chinese and Korean communities there, said Gabriella Fredriksson, a conservation biologist based in Sumatra. A low-level poacher can sell a gall bladder from a bear caught in a simple snare and then killed for about $10.

So far the biggest threat to bears in Indonesia is loss of habitat from forest fires and the conversion of land to palm oil plantations. But in the last few years, poaching has increased, said Dr.
Fredriksson, who has been there 15 years.

She cautioned that bears in Indonesia could also become highly threatened. ?Fifty years ago, bears were doing well in Cambodia and Laos,? she said. ?Now there?s hardly any left.?


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Taco Bell pulls commercial that mocked veggies

53 min.

Taco Bell is pulling a TV ad after receiving complaints that it discouraged people from eating vegetables.?

The ad by the fast-food chain was touting its variety 12-pack of tacos, with a voiceover saying that bringing a vegetable tray to a party is "like punting on fourth and one." It said that people secretly hate guests who bring vegetables to parties.?

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a health advocacy group, this weekend urged people to tweet their complaints about the ad and the chain quickly made the decision to pull it.?

"We didn't want anyone to misinterpret the intent of the ad," says Rob Poetsch, a Taco Bell spokesman.?

The Center for Science in the Public Interest thanked Taco Bell for its speedy response.?

? 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Jason Fladlien - Product Creation Eclass 2

Jason Fladlien - Product Creation Eclass 2

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Jason Fladlien - Product Creation Eclass 2.0
WEB-Rip | MP4 | H.264 @ 160 Kbit/s | 1024x768 | AAC @ 64 Kbit/s 44 KHz | 2.83 GB
Genre: Product Creation, Internet Business | Language: English | Bonus & PDF Included


This is a 6-week live interactive group training that has produced more 6 figure earners than any other training Jason Fladlien has done. That doesn't guarantee you'll make 6 figures, of course, but I promise you will learn a lot...and if you follow what you learn, you will be well on your way!

What Will I Learn In Product eClass 2.0?

For an internet marketer, six weeks can be a long time- especially if you have tons of websites to handle of lots of campaigns to monitor. So will Product eClass 2.0 be well worth your time? Well, here?s a preview of what you will do for six weeks with Jason Fladlien:

Week 1: 2 Hour Product Creation
Learn Jason?s 1-1-1 product creation formula
Finding the best products to create
Week 2: Star Latching
Learn how to generate traffic to your website
Everything you need to do in your first month from product launch
Week 3: Info Product Imports
Learn how to import/export your products
Discover what ?Made In China? means for Jason Fladlien
Week 4: The Semester Method
Learn how to make more passive income from your online products
This technique has made Jason about $2000 in profit in one hour
Week 5: Price Stretching
Learn the different ways to get more money from your products (or somebody else?s products)
Create your second product that will give you more profits
Week 6: The 200,000 Affiliate
Learn how to make money as an affiliate
Discover the best type of information product that will generate thousands of dollars

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Monday, January 28, 2013

How it happened: Woods takes six-shot lead at Torrey Pines

Photo Gallery

Farmers Insurance Open: Tiger Woods

Check out photos of Tiger Woods from the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines in La Jolla, Calif.

SAN DIEGO -- 11 more to go.

Tiger Woods manage to get in 25 holes of golf on Sunday, building a six-shot lead behind a third-round, 3-under 69 and going 3 under through seven holes in the final round of the Farmers Insurance Open.

Woods is 11 holes away from career win No. 75 and his seventh PGA Tour victory at Torrey Pines.

He'll tee off at 2:10 p.m. EST on Monday at the par-3 8th hole.

Woods has built his lead behind his play on the par-5s, where he is 11 under for the week. He is also 4 under on the par-3s.

Brandt Snedeker and Nick Watney are both at 11 under, trying to chase down Woods.

Here's how it all unfolded on Sunday:

? ? ?

No. 7, Par 4, 462 yards

Six holes, three birdies and now a six-shot lead for Tiger Woods. Couldn't have asked for a better start to the final round for the World No. 2.

? Hole wrap-up: For only the second time in this final round, Tiger finds the right side of the fairway, unloading on a big driver. After the horn blows to tell players they are allowed to end their rounds, Tiger decides to play his second shot and takes it right at the flag, but comes up about 20 feet short on the green. He two-putts to end his day at 17 under for the tournament, six shots in front of Brandt Snedeker and Nick Watney.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 3 under (17 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 6, Par 5, 560 yards

One of the characteristics of Tiger Woods that has made him one of the game's icons is his ability to scramble. His play on Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 show how he can still score despite errant shots.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger hammers a drive here, but pushes it right and it sits down in the rough. A great, low-lining second shot leaves him a 20-footer for eagle. He burns the edge and taps in for a birdie to extend his lead to six shots.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 3 under (17 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Brandt Snedeker rebounds from a bogey with a nice birdie at No. 13 to get back to 11 under, five back of Tiger Woods.

? ? ?

No. 5, Par 4, 453 yards

That was as improbable of a birdie-birdie stretch as you can get, and that has given Tiger some further breathing room. Some "Did You Know?" . . . Woods has won seven times on the same golf course, which is a PGA Tour record, at Firestone CC (South Course) and at Bay Hill Golf Club and Lodge. He has six Tour victories at Torrey Pines GC.

? Hole wrap-up: After missing his last five fairways, Tiger finds the middle here, with a little twirl at the end. His second shot comes up short and right, nearly a club short of the target. From the bunker, Tiger plays a so-so shot that settles about 6 feet under the hole. And he drains the putt to avoid dropping a shot. Lead is still five, now over just Nick Watney.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 2 under (16 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 4, Par 4, 471 yards

That was a huge birdie for Tiger on No. 3, really to just answer Nick Watney and Brandt Snedeker and maintain his four-shot advantage.

? Hole wrap-up: With tons of danger to the left, Tiger pushes his tee ball well to the right. Tiger has some tree problems and will have to try and play a big cut, with water to the left, so it is dangerous. Tiger plays a fantastic second shot, leaving just in front of the green. And he chips in for birdie. And his lead is five shots. A nice little fist pump from Tiger there.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 2 under (16 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Brandt Snedeker gives the hole a scare on No. 11, but can't find the cup and settles for a par and stays at 11 under.

? ? ?

No. 3, Par 3, 198 yards

A couple of dicey tee balls by Tiger and some solid play by Brandt Snedeker have made this a contest. Snedeker does miss a birdie putt on No. 10 to stay three back.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger plays a fantastic tee ball into the long par-3, leaving himself about 12 feet for birdie. Could use one to get him untracked. And he walks this one in, picking up a much-needed birdie. And his lead is back to four shots.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 1 under (15 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Nick Watney has joined Snedeker at 11 under with a birdie at No. 4. Watney has birdies on three of his first four holes in the final round.

? ? ?

No. 2, Par 4, 387 yards

Tiger's lead is now three shots after Brandt Snedeker birdies the par-5 9th hole to get to 11 under.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger has a case of the "lefties," as he hooks another drive well left of the fairway. He comes to rest in short grass, but will hit from the 6th fairway. Tiger comes up short on his second shot and finds the rough on the left of the green. Tiger hits a great third shot that comes to rest about 2 feet to the left of the hole. He saves his par to stay three shots clear of the field.

TIGER ON THE DAY: Even (14 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Brandt Snedeker plays a fantastic third shot into the par-5 9th hole, leaving himself about a 5-footer for birdie, which he buries. He makes the turn with a 4-under 32 and is 11 under overall. Nick Watney has also moved to double-figures with a birdie bomb at No. 3 to get to 10 under.

? ? ?

No. 1, Par 4, 452 yards

Tiger is wearing the same black rain pants, grey sweater and white shirt as he did this morning. There was little time between rounds for any wardrobe overhaul. Tiger has won 39 of 41 tournaments with the outright lead heading into the final round.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger doesn't start well here, hooking his tee ball to the left and he'll have a tough time getting to the green with his second. But that's why he is Tiger Woods, as he lofts it up over the trees and onto the green. A lengthy birdie putt ensues, but he'll take it after that bad tee ball. A solid two-putt for par. Nice save for Tiger and retains his four-shot lead.

TIGER ON THE DAY: Even (14 under for tournament)

? ? ?

Update #5: 5:52 p.m. EST

Twitter is blowing up as Tiger Woods appears on the putting green without his signature red on. But, with play ending on Monday, it seems logical that he'll save that red shirt for the completion of the fourth round.

? ???

Update #4: 5:50 p.m. EST

Brandt Snedeker is showing signs of what he did in 2012, putting together three birdies over his first six holes and is now 10 under, four back of Tiger Woods.

? ? ?

No. 18, Par 5, 572 yards

Tiger is 11 under on the par-5s this week (through 11 holes) and with a birdie, he'd shoot the best third round on the course. Aaron Baddeley shot a 4-under 68 earlier.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger pushes his final drive of the third round to the right and he'll have to lay up with his second shot. Tiger finds the top of a fairway bunker and can only advance the ball about 50 yards and is still in the rough. Tiger muscles his third shot into a greenside bunker. Tiger plays a poor sand shot that leaves about 8 feet to save par. And he can't convert, dropping a shot and firing a 3-under 69. It is his first bogey at the 18th in 37 career rounds at Torrey Pines South.

His lead slips to four shots heading into the fourth round.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 3 under (14 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Brad Fritsch finishes his round at the par-5 18th with a birdie and is alone in second at 10 under. Erik Compton finishes his round with an eagle to card a 1-under 71 and gets to 9 under, currently tied for third.

? ? ?

No. 17, Par 4, 442 yards

Tiger Woods is set to tee off at 6 p.m. EST for his fourth round, likely giving him about 30 minutes in between rounds. Meanwhile, the fourth round is underway, with the likes of Hunter Mahan and Brandt Snedeker moving up the leaderboard, but still seven shots back of Tiger.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger's not happy with this one, although really no damage is done as his fairway metal finds the right rough. Rough or no rough, doesn't seem to matter for Tiger, who finds another green and will have 30 feet for birdie. Tiger plays a beautiful putt that hangs about 2 inches to the right of the cup, settling for a par and a six-shot lead.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 4 under (15 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Nick Watney fires a 1-under 71 after a bogey at the par-5 18th. He's seven back of Tiger.

? ? ?

No. 16, Par 3, 227 yards

Tiger leads the field in par-3 scoring this week at 3 under.

? Hole wrap-up: Beautiful tee ball here into the wind, landing it pin-high and will have about 20 feet for birdie. In a putt that rarely gets to the hole, Tiger gets it there, but slides it by on the right. Not happy with himself, muttering to himself on the green. He raps it in, but he wanted that birdie. He maintains his six-shot advantage.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 4 under (15 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Brandt Snedeker, already playing his fourth round, birdies No. 2 to move to 8 under, one back of a share of second place. Snedeker made a huge comeback in the final round last season to win the title.

? ? ?

No. 15, Par 4, 477 yards

A little "Did You Know?" . . . Woods has played in a total of 279 PGA Tour events. He has won 74 times. That means he has won 26% of the time he has been in the field.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger hammers yet another driver up the middle of the fairway. Barely even looks at the ball. Solid shot into the green, leaving himself 20 feet from the left for birdie. Perfect pace again, but it never moves back to the right and he settles for a par and maintains his six-shot lead.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 4 under (15 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 14, Par 4, 435 yards

Tiger continues to pull away as we inch toward the end of the third round. He is six shots clear of the field and is the only one that seems to be in attack mode. From our Sean Martin in San Diego: Four of Tiger Woods 5 birdies today have come on putts of 3 feet or less. The other? 6 feet, 6 inches.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger rips a fairway metal down the throat of the fairway. He is in a zone right now. Tiger takes a bit too much club on his approach, hitting the green and leaving himself 35 feet for birdie. Not happy with that shot. His putt is a solid one, but it cuts under the hole and settles about 3 feet to the right. He makes the par putt, but taps the green as that one was almost offline.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 4 under (15 under for the tournament)

? ? ?

No. 13, Par 5, 541 yards

Tiger has a five-shot lead and heads to a par-5, where is 10 under on the week. Will Tiger just simply run away with a strong finish here? He has gone 60 consecutive par-5s at Torrey Pines without a bogey.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger hits a solid tee shot here, finding the right rough, but really isn't in trouble and will likely have to lay up. Tiger smacks it up the middle of the fairway and leaves himself a wedge into the green. And he plays an incredible wedge shot to about 2 feet left of the hole. He knocks it in to extend his lead to six shots.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 4 under (15 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 12, Par 4, 477 yards

A bit of "Did You Know?" . . . Tiger has won his first PGA Tour start of the season in six different years, and won majors in five of those seasons.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger pushes his ball to the right, but gets past the fairway bunkers and lands in the rough. Good angle for his second shot, which he takes advantage of, puts it on the green and will have about 35 feet for birdie. Tiger's birdie attempt comes up about 5 feet short, as the ball bounced off the club. He buries the putt and now has a five-shot lead.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 3 under (14 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 11, Par 3, 221 yards

That was a great response to the substandard par on No. 9. His short game looks quite good, but is helped by his superb play off the tee.

? Hole wrap-up: Beautiful swing and nice result, hitting the front of the green and he'll have about 30 feet for another birdie. Perfect pace on this one, but it settles about 6 inches to the right of the hole and he taps in for a par. Nice par on a long par-3.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 3 under (14 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Nick Watney has bogeyed both Nos. 11 and 12 to fall back to 9 under, leaving Brad Fritsch alone in second at 10 under.

? ? ?

No. 10, Par 4, 405 yards

That was a disappointing par for Tiger, who had manhandled the par-5s all week, especially after getting greenside in two. Brad Fritsch and Nick Watney had moved to within two shots, but have both bogeyed and handed Tiger his current three-shot lead.

? Hole wrap-up: Well, that par didn't seem to break his focus, splitting another fairway and then goes flag-hunting, giving himself a birdie look inside 5 feet. And he drains it to move his lead to four shots.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 3 under (14 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 9, Par 5, 613 yards

Tiger has feasted on the par-5s this week, to the tune of 10 under in nine holes thus far. He has two eagles, six birdies and a par on them this week. He birdied No. 9 on Thursday.

? Hole wrap-up: Guess what? Another fairway for Tiger. Has missed only two today. He gives it a go in two, but comes up short of the green. Will chip for eagle.

Chip runs past the hole and Tiger can't convert on a short birdie putt, having to settle for a disappointing par. Now leads by two.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 2 under (13 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Nick Watney and Brad Fritsch have both moved to 11 under, with Watney picking up birdie at No. 10 and Fritsch birdieing No. 9.

? ? ?

No. 8, Par 3, 176 yards

Some more "Did You Know?" . . . Woods is the youngest to get to 73 PGA Tour victories at the age of 36 years, 2 months and 35 days. Sam Snead was 43 when he reached 73 wins.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger is disgusted with this shot, carrying it a bit long and travels into the rough on the back. He'll have very little green to work with on his chip.

But this is why he is Tiger Woods, nearly making the flop and he taps in for a par. He stays three shots ahead of Brad Fritsch and Nick Watney.

TIGER N THE DAY: 2 under (13 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Nick Watney is making a nice run a couple of holes ahead of Tiger, moving to 10 under behind a birdie at the par-5 9th.

? ? ?

No. 7, Par 4, 462 yards

Tiger is now 10 under on the par-5s this week, 3 under on the par-3s and even on the par-4s.

? Hole wrap-up: Playing as the most difficult par-4 on the course, Tiger absolutely hammers a tee ball that splits the fairway. That'll make any hole easier.

Tiger is only one in his group to hit the green in regulation, playing a safe shot into the middle. Good pace on his birdie attempt, but slightly left and he Tiger two-putts for a par.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 2 under (13 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 6, Par 5, 560 yards

Tiger has sputtered slightly over the past two holes, sending his drive at No. 4 well to the right and then having problems around the green on No. 5. While he still leads by three shots, he needs to take advantage of his first par-5 of the day. He is 9 under on the long holes this week.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger gives the club a twirl, but the ball takes a kick to the left and finds the rough. It is sitting up nicely, which could give him a shot at the green in two. Tiger uses fairway metal and fades it onto the green and he'll putt for eagle. For his career, Tiger is 27 under on No. 6.

Tiger starts walking after his putt immediately, but not for good reasons. He leaves it about 3 feet under the hole and was never on the right line. He does knock in his short birdie putt to maintain his three-shot lead.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 2 under (13 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Playing in the group in front of Tiger, Steve Marino and Brad Fritsch both birdie to move to 10 under. Nick Watney is now 9 under after a birdie at No. 7.

? ? ?

No. 5, Par 4, 453 yards

Two pars, two birdies and a four-shot lead over the field. The day couldn't have started much better for Tiger.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger's baaaaaccccckkk . . . well, in the middle of the fairway. Just took a hole off to test out the rough. But he finds some more rough after his second shot, with his approach leaking out to the right of the green. Despite having the longest drive, Tiger nearly had 200 yards into the green, not to mention into the wind. Tiger leaves himself about 6 feet of work to do to save par after a so-so chip from the fringe. And he misses his first one of the day and drops a shot, now leading the field by three shots.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 1 under (12 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 4, Par 4, 471 yards

That's two easy birdies in a row for Tiger Woods and he has four putts through three holes. While a lot can happen on a marathon day, Tiger is pulling away a bit, now leading by four shots.

? Hole wrap-up: A scrum breaks out after Tiger pushes his drive to the right and over the cart path. Fans are already lining the path. Tiger did double-bogey this hole on Thursday, but by going left off the tee.

Tiger doesn't like his second shot, but it is safely on the green, about 40 feet under the hole. A really nice birdie attempt leaves him a short par putt. A nice save after the wayward tee ball.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 2 under (13 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: K.J. Choi, who shared the 18-hole lead, is 2 under through 6 holes and 8 under for the tournament.

? ? ?

No. 3, Par 3, 198 yards

Well, we are going to be here for awhile. There are two groups in front of Tiger on the No. 3 tee. So, in the meantime, here is some "Did You Know?" action . . . Woods owns the record of most PGA Tour wins between the ages of 20-29 with 46 career victories. He has 16 more than second place on the list, Jack Nicklaus.

While we're waiting, check out Sean Martin's story on Billy Horschel and Casey Wittenberg, who are paired with Tiger on Sunday.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger hits a beautiful tee ball that leaves him a very short birdie putt. With the Pacific Ocean crashing in the backdrop, Tiger knocks in a 2-footer for a second consecutive birdie. His lead grows to four shots.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 2 under (13 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: There is now a four-way tie for second at 9 under after Steve Marino birdies No. 3. Hunter Mahan has the round of the day going, going 3 under through 11 holes and is now 6 under for the tournament.

? ? ?

No. 2, Par 4, 387 yards

The course is wet and soggy, which should allow players to attack pins, but will also leave tee balls about 20 to 30 yards shorter than normal because of the lack of roll.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger is beginning to look machine-like off the tee, hammering another driver down the middle of the fairway. He has hit 70 percent of his fairways this week. With a wedge, Tiger gets it in real tight and he taps in for a birdie. He's now three ahead of the field.

TIGER ON THE DAY: 1 under (12 under for tournament)

? ? ?

No. 1, Par 4, 452 yards

Some damp weather still in the area, which keeps Tiger Woods in rain pants at the outset of this round. We'll start the day with some "Did You Know?" . . . Woods has the second- and third-most consecutive wins on the PGA Tour. In 2006-07, Woods had seven wins and in the 1999-2000 season, Woods won six times. Byron Nelson holds the record will 11.

? Hole wrap-up: Tiger is off and running, and it is more of the same from Friday: A fairway hit. Much easier to attack from the short stuff. He does hit the green in regulation, but a two-putt leaves him with an opening par.

TIGER ON THE DAY: Even (11 under for tournament)

? Elsewhere on the course: Josh Teater (No. 2) and Brad Fritsch (No. 1) have joined Billy Horschel at 9 under with early birdies.

? ? ?

Update #3: 11:25 a.m. EST

Gary Woodland has started his third round hot, picking up three birdies and a bogey over his first five holes (he is playing the back-nine first). Woodland spent much of 2012 injured, playing through an injury at the Masters before having to take time off to rehab.

? ? ?

Update #2: 11:05 a.m. EST

Bo Van Pelt opened his third round with a birdie to move to 6 under on the tournament. Van Pelt was a model of consistency in 2012, picking up 10 top-10 finishes in 24 starts. He didn't pick up a win, but earned more than $3 million and was 23rd in the FedEx Cup. Van Pelt missed only three cuts in 2012, one of them being the Farmers Insurance Open.


Update #1: 10:43 a.m. EST

They're playing golf again at Torrey Pines, and defending champion Brandt Snedeker wasted little time moving closer to the lead, picking up birdie at No. 1 to move to 5 under for the tournament, six shots back of Tiger Woods.

As a reminder, due to the Saturday suspension, players will not be re-paired after the third round. Here are today's tee times.

? ? ?

Round 2 coverage

? 5 THINGS: Tiger Woods is on top of the leaderboard at Torrey Pines. Here?s 5 Things you need to know from the second round at the Farmers Insurance Open. Story.

? BEEN HERE, DONE THIS: It?s the same old story. Tiger Woods is having success at Torrey Pines. Woods shot a 65 in persistent rain Friday, and walked off Torrey Pines? North Course with the lead in the Farmers Insurance Open. Story.

? TRACKER: Tiger Woods finishes his day with birdie on the par-5 9th to finish at 7-under 65, 11 under for the tournament for a two-shot lead heading into the weekend. See how it happened.

? ? ?

Round 1 coverage

? 5 THINGS: The first round of the Farmers Insurance Open is in the books. Here?s 5 Things you need to know from the opening day of play at Torrey Pines, including Brandt Snedeker starting his title defense with a 7-under 65. Story.

? STRONG START: Tiger Woods? PGA Tour season began with a birdie, and his first round was completed in 68 strokes. It wasn?t always easy in between, but Woods is off to a strong start at the Farmers Insurance Open. Story.

? TRACKER: Tiger Woods has six PGA Tour victories, including the 2008 U.S. Open, at Torrey Pines. He opened the Farmers Insurance Open with a 4-under 68 on Thursday. See how it happened.

? ? ?

Pre-tournament coverage

? TEE TIMES: A look at the tee times for Rounds 1 and 2 at the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines. Pairings.

? RECOVERY: Apparently Phil Mickelson realized there many less fortunate than he, apologizing Wednesday for the second day in a row he said his public remarks were insensitive to ?people who do not have jobs or live paycheck to paycheck.? Story.

? 'INSENSITIVE:' Give Phil Mickelson credit for his creativity. He obviously put some thought into his first public comments since he caused a small uproar over taxes. Story.

? FIRST START: Steven Fox earned a sponsor exemption into the Farmer's Insurance Open courtesy of his victory at the U.S. Amateur. Fox said he just wants to make contact on the first tee. Story.

? ADDRESSING THE ISSUE: PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem addressed the media Wednesday morning to discuss the previous night?s players meeting and the Tour?s reaction to the proposed anchoring ban. Story.

? PREDICTIONS: Tiger returns to the site of six of his PGA Tour victories, while the red-hot Charles Howell III will look to pick up that elusive win, while FedEx Cup champ Brandt Snedeker is primed to defend his title. Story.

? MAKING HIS DEBUT: Jordan Spieth will make his PGA Tour debut as a professional this week at the Farmers Insurance Open after receiving a sponsor exemption. Story.

? RETURNING TO THE SCENE: A six-time winner at Torrey Pines, Tiger Woods addressed everything from missing the cut last week, the course and Phil Mickelson's tax dilemma. 5 Things.

? NOTEBOOK: Rich Beem, who failed to earn his full-time PGA Tour card at Q-School in December, will be making trips to India and Panama as he looks to earn his way back onto the big tour. Story.

? ODDS: Tiger Woods finds himself in a familiar position as the favorite at the Farmers Insurance Open for the second time in the last three years. Story.


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mass human sacrifice? Ancient skulls piled up

Archaeologists have unearthed a trove of skulls in Mexico that may have once belonged to human sacrifice victims. The skulls, which date between the year 600 and 850, may also shatter existing notions about the ancient culture of the area.

The find, described in the January issue of the journal Latin American Antiquity, was located in an otherwise empty field that once held a vast lake, but was miles from the nearest major city of the day, said study co-author Christopher Morehart, an archaeologist at Georgia State University.

"It's absolutely remarkable to think about this little nothing on the landscape having potentially evidence of the largest mass human sacrifice in ancient Mesoamerica," Morehart said.

Middle of nowhere
Morehart and his colleagues were using satellite imagery to map ancient canals, irrigation channels and lakes that used to surround the kingdom of Teotihuacan (home to the Pyramid of the Sun), about 30 miles (50 kilometers) from Mexico City. The vast ancient kingdom flourished from around the year 200 to 650, though who built it remains a mystery. [In Photos: Amazing Ruins of the Ancient World]

In a now-drained lake called Lake Xaltocan, around which was essentially rural farmland at the time, Morehart stumbled upon a site with evidence of looting.

When the team investigated, they discovered lines of human skulls with just one or two vertebra attached. To date, more than 150 skulls have been discovered there. The site also contained a shrine with incense burners, water-deity figurines and agricultural pottery, such as corncob depictions, suggesting a ritual purpose tied to local farming. [See images from the grisly excavation]

Carbon dating suggested that the skulls were at least 1,100 years old, and the few dozen analyzed so far are mostly from men, Morehart told LiveScience. The researchers did not release photos of the skulls because the sacrifice victims may have historic ties to modern-day indigenous cultures.

The findings shake up existing notions of the culture of the day, because the site is not associated with Teotihuacan or other regional powers, said Destiny Crider, an archaeologist at Luther College in Iowa, who was not involved in the study.

Big event in a little place
Human sacrifice was practiced throughout the region, both at Teotihuacan and in the later Aztec Empire, but most of those rituals happened at great pyramids within cities and were tied to state powers.

By contrast, "this one is a big event in a little place," Crider said.

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The shrines and the fact that sacrifice victims were mostly male suggest that they were carefully chosen, not simply the result of indiscriminate slaughter of a whole village, Crider told LiveScience.

Many researchers believe that massive drought caused the fall of Teotihuacan and ushered in a period of warfare and political infighting as smaller regional powers sprang up, Morehart said. Crider said those tumultuous times could have spurred innovative ? and bloody ? practices.

"Maybe they needed to intensify their activities because everything was changing," she said. "When things are uncertain, you try new strategies."

Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook and Google+.

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Mobile Device Speeds Up Diagnostic Testing for HIV and More ...

imageFast, Low-cost Device Uses the Cloud to Speed Up Diagnostic Testing for HIV and More

Mobile Device Can Easily Be Used in Remote Areas around the World

Samuel K. Sia, associate professor of biomedical engineering atColumbia Engineering, has taken his innovative?lab-on-a-chipand developed a way to not only check a patient?s HIV status anywhere in the world with just a finger prick, but also synchronize the results automatically and instantaneously with central health-care records?10 times faster, the researchers say, than the benchtop ELISA, a broadly used diagnostic technique. The device was field-tested in Rwanda by a collaborative team from the Sia lab and ICAP at Columbia?s Mailman School of Public Health.

In the?study?published online January 18, 2013, in?Clinical Chemistry, and in the print April 2013 issue, Sia describes a major advance towards providing people in remote areas of the world with laboratory-quality diagnostic services traditionally available only in centralized health care settings.

?We?ve built a handheld mobile device that can perform laboratory-quality HIV testing, and do it in just 15 minutes and on finger-pricked whole blood,? Sia says. ?And, unlike current HIV rapid tests, our device can pick up positive samples normally missed by lateral flow tests, and automatically synchronize the test results with patient health records across the globe using both the cell phone and satellite networks.?

Sia collaborated with Claros Diagnostics (a company he co-founded, now called OPKO Diagnostics) to develop a pioneering strategy for an integrated microfluidic-based diagnostic device?the mChip?that can perform complex laboratory assays, and do so with such simplicity that these tests can easily be carried out anywhere, including in resource-limited settings, at a very low cost. This new study builds upon his earlier scientific concepts and incorporates a number of new engineering elements that make the test automated to run with data communication over both cell phone and satellite networks.

?There are a set of core functions that such a mobile device has to deliver,? he says. ?These include fluid pumping, optical detection, and real-time synchronization of diagnostic results with patient records in the cloud. We?ve been able to engineer all these functions on a handheld mobile device and all powered by a battery.?

This new technology, which combines cell phone and satellite communication technologies with fluid miniaturization techniques for performing all essential ELISA functions, could lead to diagnosis and treatment for HIV-infected people who, because they cannot get to centralized health care centers, do not get tested or treated.

?This is an important step forward for us towards making a real impact on patients,? says Jessica Justman, MD, senior technical director at ICAP and associate clinical professor of medicine in epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health. ?And with the real-time data upload, policymakers and epidemiologists can also monitor disease prevalence across geographical regions more quickly and effectively.?

Read more . . .

via?Columbia University?&?Newswise

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Court Overturns E.P.A.?s Biofuels Mandate

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The court ruled that a quota set by the Environmental Protection Agency for incorporating liquids made from woody crops and wastes into car and truck fuels was unrealistic.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Carl Icahn, Bill Ackman: Bickering billionaires go public

Carl Icahn and fellow billionaire faced off on CNBC. At the core of the Carl Icahn-Bill Ackman dispute is disagreement over the prospects of nutritional supplements company Herbalife.

By Jeff Cox,? Staff Writer / January 25, 2013

A combination file photo shows investor Carl Icahn (left) speaking at a New York conference in 2007 and William Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square Management LP, in Calgary, Alberta, in May 2012. The two biggest hedge fund activist investors squared off on CNBC Friday during a lunchtime interview.



Call them the "Bickering Billionaires," two financial titans who squared off in a breathtaking, unforgettable smackdown Friday on CNBC.

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Bill Ackman, the head of Pershing Square Capital Management and its $12 billion in assets, squared off against Carl Icahn, the fellow activist investor and one of the richest men in America with an estimated fortune of nearly $15 billion.

The debate revolved around charges and countercharges, with Icahn calling Ackman dishonest and "a major loser," while Ackman countered that Icahn is a bully "not used to someone standing up to him."

Traders at the New York Stock Exchange punctuated the air with "oohs" and "aahs" during the arguing, while social networks lit up, with financial journalists and market watchers tweeting and posting as fast as their fingers could type. (Read More:Ackman: Icahn Wanted to Be My Friend, I Said No)

The setting was during the final half-hour of CNBC's "Fast Money Halftime Report" with Scott Wapner, who found himself as much of the story as the two participants.

Icahn repeatedly berated Wapner. Icahn insisted he was the one being bullied and on several occasions used the word "bullsh--" to describe his feelings about the on-air forum.

"I've really sort of had it with this Ackman guy," Icahn said early on.

"Carl, you think I want to you invest with you?" Ackman charged later.

"I wouldn't invest with you if you were the last man on Earth!" Icahn bellowed in an exchange typical of the show's tenor.

At the core of the dispute was Icahn's furor with Ackman over the latter's short position on?Herbalife, the nutritional supplement and dietary product company that Ackman has called a pyramid scheme. (Read More:?Selling the American Dream, a CNBC Investigation)

In turn, Ackman released a statement Thursday that recalled a legal dispute between the two parties 10 years ago that resulted in Icahn having to pay Ackman's investors $4.5 million plus interest.

While each combatant scored style points during the battle, if the winner was to be declared from the performance of Herbalife, Icahn scored a clear victory.

The company's shares surged as much as $2.15 in the half-hour melee, though gains cooled afterwards.

Some other zingers:

From Ackman: "I was concerned about dealing with Carl Icahn, because Carl Icahn unfortunately does not have a good reputation for being a handshake guy."

Icahn: "He's the quintessential example that on Wall Street, if you want a friend, get a dog."

Ackman, again: "What I can tell you is, this is not an honest guy, and this is not a guy who keeps his word. This is a guy who takes advantage of little people."

And the Icahn counter: "I appreciate Bill that you called me a great investor. I thank you for that. Unfortunately I can't say the same for you."

Indeed, it was great theater.

Twitter lit up, with participants frantically posting updates.

"Move over Snooki and The Situation.. here comes CNBC's version of "Jerry Springer With Limos" (Hat tip Sir Arthur!!)," investor Doug Kass tweeted.

CNBC's own Jim Cramer, host of "Mad Money," wondered, "Whatever happened to the dignity of wealth!??"

And financial news site Business Insider simply labeled it "The Greatest Moment In Financial TV History."


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Pentagon: Civilian furloughs could last months

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A top Pentagon official says that if Congress does not come up with a way to avoid mandatory budget cuts by March 1, hundreds of thousands of Pentagon civilian employees will face furloughs and reduced paychecks by April.

Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told a small group of reporters Friday that the furloughed employees would lose one day of work per week for the remainder of the budget year, which ends in September.

The Pentagon has about 800,000 civilian employees; they have not yet been officially notified of furloughs. Carter said the furloughs would be expected to save $5 billion.

Carter said the Pentagon already is eliminating all 46,000 of its temporary civilian workers in anticipation of budget cuts.

Associated Press


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Realtor Marketing ? Should You Use WiseAgent, Top Producer or ...

Realtor Marketing – Should You Use WiseAgent, Top Producer or InfusionSoft?So today?s post is for my bestie, the fabulous Deb Ward (send her all your referrals for the Tampa Bay area because she lets me call her out to your benefit!)

So you are just getting into real estate or your are thinking about changing your real estate database over to something new. You have heard at conferences and from your broker that the best two on the market for realtors are WiseAgent and Top Producer so you figure they will be good enough. Sigh?

So what is so wrong with using a realtor database instead of a ?real?, internet marketing database like InfusionSoft, iContact, Office Auto Pilot or any of the others out there on the market? Here is my take at 40,000 feet (read first and then watch the video)

1. Realtors have been told for eons that they need a realtor solution. They like marketing tools specifically made for realtors without looking around at their fellow realtors. These tools are made for the lowest common denominator, the agent who can barely work her cell phone and who is using the company website. Some of these dears are AMAZINGLY successful, but they are not exactly cutting edge on the technology front!

2. Having your listing process or closing tasks embedded in your real estate database might be a good idea, but most of the realtors I have talked to lately are using a third party closer or are using a system embedded in their broker site or MLS. The last thing you want is to have all your closing tasks in your marketing database (in my opinion). Your marketing database is bring in leads, lots of them, and then nurture them until they become real prospects.

3. Having a database that is a marketing database instead of a realtor database means that you will have actual tools for prospecting, building your website, collecting leads, sending autoresponders and generally doing real marketing instead of just tired old drip campaigns that annoy your prospects.

4. If you are primarily a listing agent, why the heck do you make the main focus of your website data capturing buyers likes and dislikes?

So finally to realtor marketing databases?.

Deb is currently using WiseAgent and there are some good things in there for realtors?but darn it, I don?t care about realtor stuff, because she is my friend, I care about her getting more real leads, having more closings and making more money. That?s it. I don?t sugar coat it with her and so I am going to give you the real deal info too!

You need to start internet marketing right now! You need to have programs and campaigns specifically designed to prospect for people that you want to work with. If you are working with buyers, you need to make sure that you marketing is geared to fulfilling their needs, sellers need something different and you want to make sure to satisfy that too!

Some examples for buyers include? free relocation guides for buyers, a native?s tour of your town, top restaurants in the area, subdivision info, etc.

Some examples for sellers include? tips for home staging, honest talk about pricing, a checklist of what to get fixed BEFORE you list your house, etc. (ohohoh thought of another one! how to list your house so that you get cash offers instead of having to deal with Jumbo loans)

Do you see a theme here? If EVERY OTHER REAL ESTATE WEBSITE in the world has listings or heaven forbid an offer for a free CMA and you have real information that would actually help them, who do you think is going to get that phone call to come list me?.:)

So what are we going to start with? A FSBO email marketing autoresponder. The FSBO signs up to get tips and tricks on how to be a better seller and Deb gets the chance to start a relationship with them without having to lift a finger!!! (find out how to do a campaign like this yourself at Tools for Realtors ? there is an opt in form on the right)

So what are the steps?

1. Make a series of videos (as you can see in the free course, we didn?t go high tech here?just good solid info from Deb!)
2. Set up a web form to capture data (in the video below) and then
3. set up the email followups

That is it! I KNOW the first time you see this it seems like it is SO many steps but never fear, the first time you do anything it is hard, after that you do a system and then just start banging them out.

this is recorded in real time?.:)

So, to wrap up. Your website should be made to do just one thing, capture leads from people who want to work with YOU (not just buy houses). You need a database that has internet marketing capabilities (I recommend InfusionSoft because of the ease of use and that handy dandy campaign builder), then you need to do some follow up emails, ensuring you stay top of mind when they are looking for a real estate agent to hire!

(that IS an affiliate link for InfusionSoft! I SO love them?:)

Resources from this post!

How To Set Up A FSBO Email Campaign ? Tools For Realtors
Come To Clearwater ? Clearwater and St. Pete Real Estate
Raj Qsar ? Orange County Real Estate
Smart Passive Income Blog
Perry Marshall Adwords
Chris Brogan
InfusionSoft Database for Realtor Marketing


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Friday, January 25, 2013

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