Thursday, April 19, 2012

Droid 4 gets first official update, better battery life and sluggishness fixes in tow

Droid 4 gets first official update, better battery life and sluggishness fixes in tow

A promised upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich this is not, but who are we to scoff at fresh software that improves battery life? Per Droid-Life that's exactly what Motorola has in store for the Droid 4 with its first official update -- née 6.13.219. Hitting the airwaves in the coming week, there's more than just longevity tweaks, with a new MotoCast widget, improved WiFi connectivity and fixes pertaining to "sluggishness and blank screen lockups." Time will tell if that'll tide you over until Motorola unleashes Google's latest, but until then, placate yourself by reading more at the source link below.

Droid 4 gets first official update, better battery life and sluggishness fixes in tow originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 19 Apr 2012 01:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Is This the First Leaked Shot of the Nikon D3200? [Rumors]

It's been a mighty year for Nikon DSLR refreshes between the D4 and the D800. Now there are rumors that Nikon will update its budget DSLR, the D3100, with the D3200. Is this supposedly leaked partial shot from DSLR Maniac in Japan our first look at the camera? More »

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Role of Screening, Monitoring in Early Kidney Disease Unclear

TUESDAY, April 17 (HealthDay News) -- At least one in 10 U.S. adults is estimated to have chronic kidney disease, but whether screening and monitoring people in the earlier stages of the disease provides a benefit just isn't clear, a new review of the available clinical trials revealed.

The finding doesn't necessarily mean that early screening or monitoring of kidney disease isn't helpful, it just shows no clear evidence to prove that it is. "We didn't find direct evidence for benefits or harms. There were no randomized controlled trials for screening or monitoring," said the study's lead author, Dr. Howard Fink, a staff physician at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minn.

But, when the reviewers looked at the treatment options available to people with early-stage chronic kidney disease, they found evidence that two types of blood pressure-lowering medication reduced progression to end-stage kidney disease and one medication reduced the risk of death.

The two medication classes were angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II-receptor blockers (ARBs). The benefits from these medications were stronger in people who had worsening kidney disease and those with diabetes, according to the review.

Results of the review are published in the April 17 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Eleven percent of American adults have chronic kidney disease in its earliest stages (one through three), according to the review. Chronic kidney disease is more likely to occur in older people, and those with other chronic medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Most people don't have symptoms of early chronic kidney disease. It is detected through urine and blood tests.

Not everyone with chronic kidney disease will develop end-stage renal disease and need dialysis, but having early chronic kidney disease increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and death, according to the review.

The researchers searched available medical literature from 1985 through November 2011 for randomized, controlled clinical trials of people with early chronic kidney disease. A randomized controlled trial, considered the "gold standard" in research, is a study in which people are randomly assigned to receive one of several interventions.

The investigators found no trials that evaluated screening or monitoring for those with early disease, so they were unable to determine whether early detection and follow-up care would be beneficial or not.

When they searched for early chronic kidney disease treatment trials, they found 110 randomized controlled studies that included a number of treatments.

The review found that ACE inhibitors decreased the risk of end-stage renal disease by 35 percent and ARBs reduced the risk by 23 percent compared to an inactive placebo. The risk reduction was most significant for people who had signs of worsening kidney disease (macroalbuminuria).

The researchers also found evidence that ACE inhibitors lowered the risk of death by 21 percent compared to placebo in people who had more serious kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and poorly controlled diabetes.

"The risk of people with mild chronic kidney disease developing end-stage renal disease is very low, so it may be that these medications have a unique benefit in people with worse chronic kidney disease, or it may be that you just don't have enough statistical power in these trials to see the benefits in people with milder chronic kidney disease," explained Fink.

ACE inhibitors include: captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), ramipril (Altace) and quinapril (Accupril). ARBs include: candesartan (Atacand), valsartan (Diovan), losartan (Cozaar) and olmesartan (Benicar).

Other blood pressure-lowering medications didn't provide the same benefits as ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) and beta blockers (drugs that help regulate heart rate and lower blood pressure) showed a reduction in the risk of death and cardiovascular events compared to placebo, but only in people with worsening kidney disease, or high cholesterol or congestive heart failure.

"This review shows that the evidence in early chronic kidney disease is very, very weak. The problem right now is that no one knows who will get worse and progress to end-stage renal disease," said Dr. Robert Provenzano, chair of the department of nephrology at St. John Providence Health System in Detroit, Mich.

Provenzano added that he wasn't surprised the reviewers found ACE inhibitors and ARBs to be most effective for people with early kidney disease.

He said that if people are interested in keeping their kidneys healthy, they should follow the same advice for keeping your heart healthy. Eat right to control your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Limit the salt in your diet. Don't smoke, and stay active.

More information

Learn more about chronic kidney disease from the National Kidney Foundation.

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While it may seem that a person?s attitude and their personal development goals and achievements are very different things, for most people they are actually strongly influenced by one another. Without the right mental attitude, achieving anything is an uphill battle that is more difficult than it has to be.

Changing a mental attitude for the better is something that can affect all aspects of a person?s life. It can allow one to feel in control of life and give a person the self esteem to make the changes desired.

Improving Your Attitude

If personal development begins with changing a mental attitude, attitude changing begins by believing that it can be changed. Many people accept a negative attitude as being a normal part of their lives instead of a choice that has been made. It is vital to successfully meeting personal development goals to make the choice to have a positive attitude.

With a positive mental attitude, just about anything is possible. Each day the decision can be made to see everything positively, even if the day doesn?t go quite as planned. Looking at everything through this outlook makes experiences better and the future seem brighter.

Once the decision is made to see things positively and to carry a mental attitude that reflects that, throughout the day, goals that may have seemed far-fetched before will seem reachable. This means better success in achieving goals and a happier outlook on life.

Self Improvement

Part of achieving any goal is to believe that you can achieve it. Using self affirmations that help to reinforce positive ideas can help you to have a more positive attitude. This, then, makes goal setting easier. Keep telling yourself that you are able to meet these goals with your own skills and talents.

With goals in mind, it is possible to take positive action toward self improvement. Setting short-term and long-term goals can help along the way, providing plenty of milestones to meet in order to build self confidence.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Judges, journalists clash over courtroom tweets

CHICAGO (AP) ? Getting news from a big trial once took days, moving at the speed of a carrier pigeon or an express pony. The telegraph and telephone cut that time dramatically, as did live television broadcasts.

Now comes Twitter with more changes, breaking up courtroom journalism into bite-size reports that take shape as fast as a reporter can tap 140 characters into a smartphone. But the micro-blogging site is increasingly putting reporters on a collision course with judges who fear it could threaten a defendant's right to a fair trial.

The tension was highlighted recently by a Chicago court's decision to ban anyone from tweeting or using other social media at the upcoming trial of a man accused of killing Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson's family. Reporters and their advocates insist the practice is essential to providing a play-by-play for the public as justice unfolds.

"We're troubled by this ban," said Ed Yohnka, Chicago spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tweeting and social media are "merely the 21st century version of what reporters have always done ? gather information and disseminate it."

Judges, he said, should embrace Twitter as a way to shed light on the judicial process, which, for many Americans, remains shrouded in mysterious ritual.

The judge in the Illinois case fears that feverish tweeting on smartphones could distract jurors and witnesses when testimony begins April 23.

"Tweeting takes away from the dignity of a courtroom," said Irv Miller, media liaison for Cook County Judge Charles Burns. "The judge doesn't want the trial to turn into a circus."

Burns is allowing reporters to bring cellphones and to send e-mails periodically, a notable concession in a state that has only recently announced it will begin experimenting with cameras in court and where cellphones are often barred from courtrooms altogether.

There's also an overflow courtroom where reporters can tweet freely. But there will be no audio or video of proceedings in the room, just live transcripts scrolling across a screen.

The issue extends beyond journalists to jurors, whose tweets have raised issues of their own across the country.

Last year, the Arkansas Supreme Court threw out a death row inmate's murder conviction after one juror tweeted during proceedings and another slept. Juror Randy Franco's tweets ranged from the philosophical to the mundane. One read, "The coffee sucks here." Less than an hour before the jury returned with a verdict, he tweeted, "It's all over."

There's little gray area regarding jurors tweeting. The Arkansas trial judge had warned jurors, "Don't Twitter anybody" about the case. Burns was similarly explicit during jury selection in Chicago.

But there's no consensus among either state or federal judges about the propriety of in-court tweets, so individual judges are often left to craft their own rules.

For instance, the judge in the child sexual abuse case of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky has allowed reporters to tweet from pretrial hearings but not to transmit verbatim accounts or to take photographs. Judge John Cleland hasn't indicated whether he will change that policy for the June trial.

In some ways, Judge Burns has gone further than others.

To ensure his ban is respected, he's assigned a member of the sheriff's department to track reporters' Twitter accounts while court is in session. To get accreditation to cover the trial, reporters had to disclose their Twitter handles.

If there appears to be a tweet from inside the courtroom, Penny Mateck will report it to the judge. "He'll decide what action to take," she said. Penalties could include contempt-of-court sanctions.

Peter Scheer, director of the California-based First Amendment Coalition, said having a sheriff's employee monitor tweets makes him uneasy, but it doesn't seem to violate anyone's rights because most Twitter feeds are already open for anyone to see.

Still, some observers are puzzled why e-mails would be OK, but tweets are out of order.

The judge, Miller explained, believes that having reporters constantly hunched over their phones pecking out tweets is more disruptive than sending an email every 10 or 15 minutes.

"We have been dealing with this issue of tweeting in court a lot these days ? but this is an approach I have never heard of before. It's weird," said Lucy Dalglish, director of the Virginia-based Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

She wondered if there wasn't a greater risk of inaccuracies when reporters at the scene e-mailed colleagues at news bureaus, who then put their own interpretation on emailed text and published it on websites or their own Twitter accounts.

Radio journalist Jennifer Fuller is equally perplexed.

"We've been taking notes in courts for years," said Fuller, president of the Illinois News Broadcasters Association. "If a dozen reporters put their heads down to start writing at the same time, couldn't you say that's as disruptive as tweeting?"

It's not just Twitter's potential to distract. Other judges worry that tweets about evidence could pop up uninvited on jurors' cellphones, possibly tainting the panel.

In their request for a new trial, attorneys for Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, who was convicted of fraud last month, argued that tweeting by reporters distracted jurors and created other risks. The federal judge denied the request without explanation.

And a Kansas judge last week declared a mistrial after a Topeka Capital-Journal reporter tweeted a photo that included the grainy profile of a juror hearing a murder case. The judge had permitted camera phones in court but said no photos were to be taken of jurors.

Reporter Ann Marie Bush hadn't realized one juror was in view, Publisher Gregg Ireland said, adding that the company "regrets the error and loss of the court's time."

Journalists understand judges' concerns, Dalglish said. But the better solution is for courts to do what they have done for decades ? tell jurors not to follow news on their case, including by switching off their Twitter feeds.

One obstacle to reaching a consensus is that no one can agree on just what Twitter is or does. Some judges say it's broadcasting, like TV, which is banned from courtrooms in some states. Fuller says tweets are more like notes that get shared.

Because Twitter has become the medium through which some consumers get most of their news, it's all the more urgent for judges and journalists to come to an accommodation, Fuller said.

And her association's policy on tweeting in court?

"We don't have one yet," she said. "We're working at it. Finding a middle ground will take time."


Associated Press Writer Mark Scolforo in Harrisburg, Pa., contributed to this report.


Michael Tarm can be reached at

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kanye West on Kim Kardashian: NOT My Beyonce!

Us Weekly would like to correct a story originally published by... Us Weekly.

Last week, the tabloid published a cover headline that was taken from the title of a certain hit song, and then went on to quote a source who said Kanye West believes Kim Kardashian is his Beyonce. The problem, according to Kanye?

He'd never say such a thing!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West in Love!

"I would never compare anyone to my friend's wife," West tells Us Weekly, adding hilariously: "That doesn't even sound like me... If I don't say something in a rap or on Twitter, it's not true."

Except, well, isn't he saying this in a non-rap and a non-Tweet? Nevermind.

Trying to figure out Kanye West is a lot like trying to figure out why Kanye West is dating Kim Kardashian. Then again, we guess there are two pretty good reasons.

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TWC TV Android app finally updated with live TV streaming

TWC TV Android app finally updated with live TV streaming

Time Warner Cable users who prefer Android to iOS can finally enjoy live TV streaming on their Ice Cream Sandwich-enabled tablets and phones. As we learned when it debuted, DRM requirements are making live TV streaming an Android 4.0-only (devices that have been rooted however, are not invited) affair, but at least it's here. Subscribers can snag TWC TV 2.0 from Google Play at the link below, although they are encouraged to try uninstalling if they experience any glitches after upgrading. There's a blog post linked below with more details, but we're pretty sure a TV screen you can take to the can with you explains itself.

TWC TV Android app finally updated with live TV streaming originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Rihanna Shares Topless Pics From Hawaiian Getaway

Pop star shows off her beach body in photos posted on her Facebook page.
By John Mitchell

Rihanna on vacation in Hawaii
Photo: Rihanna's Facebook

Oh, to be young, beautiful, rich and famous. It sure looks like one heck of a good time.

At least that's what we gather from the photos Rihanna posted to her Facebook Monday night of the Hawaiian getaway she took earlier this year. The Barbadian pop star posted 169 pics of herself and friends enjoying a little fun in the sun, horseback riding, swimming with sharks, enjoying some Bud Light on a boat and lounging on a surf board. Oh, and taking her top off under a waterfall.

For photos from Rihanna's relaxing Hawaiian getaway, click here.

If there was ever any question that the "We Found Love" singer is just about the fittest pop star in the game, these pictures confirm it. From every angle, Rihanna looks amazing; she's rocking visible abs, toned arms and loose, curly locks, and stripped of her diva costumes and makeup, she's a natural stunner. In one pic, RiRi even bares some skin. Bathing under a waterfall, she doffs her bikini top and shoots the camera an ear-to-ear smile.

Though she's since returned to the grind, shooting a video for her new single "Where Have You Been," she made time to support producer buddy Calvin Harris this weekend at Coachella, where she also seemed to be having quite a good time.

Note to all those who are, like us, looking at these pictures from their desk inside: We must have done something wrong.

Are you jealous of Rihanna's lavish tropical getaway? Let us know in the comments below.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Canon firmware update for XF camcorders incoming, brings broadcast friendly format along

Canon firmware update for XF Camcorders incoming, brings broadcast friendly format along
Still loving your XF video shooter from Canon, but lamenting the lack of 1440 x 1080, 35 mbps HD? Better sit down on your director's chair then, as it looks like a forthcoming firmware update for the series adds exactly this (at both 50i and 60i.) The format is popular with broadcast and news, and no doubt Canon is hoping to broaden the appeal of the XF line by bundling it in -- or smoothing the workflow of existing owners. The update will be available to all four cameras in the range (XF100, XF105, XF300, and XF305,) and you'll be able to start shooting with it from end of May.

Continue reading Canon firmware update for XF camcorders incoming, brings broadcast friendly format along

Canon firmware update for XF camcorders incoming, brings broadcast friendly format along originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 13 Apr 2012 19:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Health And Fitness | How to Get Rid of Toe Fungus - Guaranteed to ...

?Nail Fungus 5 Nail Fungus Myths and Facts
We are constantly being exposed to misleading information on different subjects, including health-related issues. What is dangerous about this is that if we are convinced and if we take the wrong information as the truth, we would not know the right thing to do. At times, we would choose to do nothing, but it would be more terrible if we do something that would make our health make a turn for the worse. For nail fungus, there are several myths that will be debunked in this article. Myth 1:...

?You ve Got to Know Everything About Nail Fungus
?Onychomycosis? is the scientific name of nail fungus infection. ?Ony? means nail while ?mycosis? refers to fungus. It may be considered as common, since there are around 12 million Americans that are affected by it. There are various microorganisms growing in and out of your body, so fungus growth will not really be a problem if your immune system can fight it and maintain it at tolerable levels. However, when there?s a breakdown in your body?s defenses and your fungi grows out of control, it...

?Closing the Doors to Nail Fungus
Millions of people around the world are infected with nail fungus without them knowing it. Nail fungus is a very common problem caused by small organisms not seen by the naked eye. Nail fungi enter the human body through skin breaks found between the nails and the nail beds. Once the fungus gets a chance to take over, the nails will discolor, get brittle, grow irregularly and there will be considerable pain. Affected individuals often ignore early symptoms and only seek medical attention when...

?Nail Fungus Can Nail Fungus Be Eliminated Permanently
Nail fungus is a common problem. The fungus develops in our nail beds, the skin directly underneath our nails. The symptoms of nail fungus include discolored nails, crumbly or brittle nails, thickened nails, nails growing irregularly, and pain in the affected finger or toe. Since nail fungus is not a rare disease, many people have already contracted it without them knowing it. Only when it has advanced to a later stage do they find out about it and visit a doctor for treatment. Diagnosis of...

?How to Know if it is Nail Fungus or Something Else
You cannot get your eyes off your fingernails and toenails when you notice something different with them. You browsed the Internet and from the information you gathered, it seems you have nail fungus. You must remember that there are a lot of problems which may happen to your nails. To know if it is just poorly done manicure or really fungal infection, you have to ask yourself some questions and inspect your nails carefully. Nail Fungus It is not nail fungus at all if you don?t walk barefoot...

?Visit to a Doctor For Your Nails Fungus
Millions of Americans are infected by nail fungus. Most of them do not seek medical attention until their conditions worsen. Nail fungus is treatable. Like any other health problems, the earlier it is detected, the easier it will be cured. Symptoms of nail fungus infection include the following: a. Nail discoloration b. Brittle or frail nails c. Thickened nail growth d. Irregular growth of nails e. Painful affected toe A Visit to a Doctor At the early signs of nail fungus, a visit to a...

?Have Happy Hands and Feet Prevent Nail Fungus
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?When to Suspect That You Have Nail Fungus
Onychomycosis. It doesn?t sound good, doesn?t look good and it doesn?t make you feel good. Onychomycosis is what is commonly known as nail fungus in English. The fungus manifests itself as a white or yellow spot underneath the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the nail fungus develops, it will cause discoloration, thickening and crumbly edges to your nail. It is far from being a pleasant sight and it can be very painful. Fifty per cent of nail disorders is attributed to nail fungus. Fungi...

?Nail Fungus The Only Option is to Seek Proper Medical Care
Nail fungus infection occurs when fungi flourish in a fingernail or toenail and the nail bed beneath it. The toes are more prone to nail fungus, compared to the fingernails, since former they grow very slow. This slow growth is ideal for the development of fungi culture. Also, toenail infections takes longer to treat compared to fingernail infections. Around 90% of nail fungus is caused by dermatophytes. Yeast and mold account for the other infections involving nails. Dermatophyte infections...

?A Closer Look at Nail Fungus
An ounce of prevention is better than distorted, discolored brittle nails infected by fungus. Most people do not know that keeping feet and hands dry is the best prevention for nail fungus. Millions of people in North America are infected by nail fungus. The microorganisms responsible for the infection are called dermatophytes or tinea unguium, which passes through small skin breaks between the nails and the nail beds. These fungi are also the ones responsible for other problems like jock...

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'Flashify' lends a hand when Chrome hits an Adobe Flash roadblock

Another Browser

Update: The name of the app is changing from "Another Browser" to "Flashify."

Here's one that's going to make life a little easier for you folks who want to use Chrome for Android  as your default browser but still need to visit the occasional site with Flash code. See, Chrome and Flash don't mix, since Flash mobile is going the way of the dinosaurs. But copying a current URL and switching over to a Flash-friendly browser does a hell of a job on a nerd's workflow. David Shellabarger (aka @GodsMoon) has rigged up a little app that makes things much easier. 

Flashify works thusly: Say you're visiting a site in Chrome but need some Flash content. Just hit the menu button, then choose Share, then choose it. You'll now get the dialog box you see above, from which you can choose another browser to open that same page in. Yeah, it's three steps. But it's also easier on the brain than any other method we've tried so far.

So props to David for banging this one out, and we've got your download link after the break.

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Video: College decision deadline: How to choose

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Dying on welfare ? Western Journalism

By Aaron Rathbone

Susan Eagle, a minister and former London city councillor, remembers a time when she officiated over a funeral for someone who couldn?t afford the costs.

?We did the funeral with the dollars that (the city) provided. When I went to the funeral home to set up the funeral, I was informed that the money did not include visitation.?

The woman who died was young and left behind three little children. Eagle told the people at funeral home that it was terribly important that there be a visitation for the sake of the children so they could have some closure. ?At the time, I remember thinking who sets the rules that says visitation isn?t included as part of the basic package because isn?t that stupid.?

The funeral home agreed to her suggestion.

Rev. Susan Eagle says it?s important for the poor to be treated fairly in their last rites. (Photo courtesy of ISARC).

In Canada, dying can be an expensive affair. For those who are financially unstable, a funeral can be a daunting expense. But poor families are not without options when it comes to saying goodbye to loved ones, as municipalities offer financial assistance to those in need.

According to Statistics Canada, the funeral business in 2010 was worth approximately $1.66 billion. In that same year, Ontario accounted for nearly half of that total. The Registered Persons Database for the Ontario ministry of health and long-term care indicates the annual death total in the province to be more than 80,000 people.

The costs of a funeral vary greatly depending on the type of service a family asks for and the associated items selected. For example, caskets can range from $1,000 to more than $10,000, and the average costs for a full service funeral are just under $5,000, says Doug Manners, funeral director at?Donohue Funeral Home?in London, Ont. If you add those prices together and include taxes, the cost of a funeral can be considerable.

From 2008 to 2011, London provided funding for between 170 and 190 individual funerals each year, says Jackie Van Ryswyk, manager of intake and?discretionary benefits.

The amount of money provided for funerals varies between municipalities, but in London $3,605, excluding taxes, is granted to eligible families, in addition to the cost of the burial or cremation, which can cost another $1,000. The $3,605 covers the removal of the body and the basic care of the deceased, a two-hour visitation, a service ? with the possibility of a member of the clergy ? a newspaper notice and other documentation, says Van Ryswyk.

Manners has been a licensed funeral director for 20 years. For as long as he has been in that job, municipalities have provided assistance for people who cannot afford a funeral. Manners estimates Donohue Funeral Home served about eight or 12 families through the funeral program offered by discretionary benefits last year.

?With any family we don?t make any assumptions or considerations from a financial standpoint,? says Manners. ?Our first priority is looking after that family.?

Before a person can receive funding, discretionary benefits must deduce that the person is eligible. ?We look at assets and bank accounts. We need to verify that type of information,? says Van Ryswyk. ?If they?re receiving assistance we know that, and they may be approved right over the phone.?

Once a person is approved, discretionary benefits provides a funeral home of the family?s choice with a funeral order number. After this stage, the family is left to decide how the funeral will be carried out. ?We provide the funeral home with the order number and then the bill will come to us,? says Van Ryswyk.

Eagle, who now lives in Barrie, remembers there being a showdown between the city and the funeral homes in her last year on council in 2010.? She says the funeral homes sent a joint letter demanding an increase in the amount of money the city offered for assisted funerals. ?They were basically demanding that there be an increase or they were going to refuse to do funerals on behalf of people in the community.?

This past February, the city raised the amount of funding it will provide to the current $3,605. Before then the city paid up to $2,270, a price that was set in 2004, according to numbers provided by John Donohue, manager of Donohue Funeral Home. Before then the amount was $1,823, a price that had been around since 1992.

Van Ryswyk believes providing funeral assistance is an important aspect of discretionary benefits. ?We deal with a very vulnerable population that doesn?t have a lot of resources. So I think it?s important that we provide that service for families like that in their time of need.?

?People need closure, they need the opportunity to deal with death,? adds Eagle, who has been a minister in the United Church for 30 years. ?Most of us know that a funeral is not for the person that died; it?s for the family.?

Manners believes it?s the duty of the funeral home to look after each family no matter their individual financial situations. He says he knows of many times when the funeral home would provide a service that was not part of what was provided through social assistance, including additional time for visitation or transportation.

Doug Manners believes that every family in need should be treated the same. (Photo courtesy of Donohue Funeral Home).

In broaching the topic of expenses Manners says experience counts. ?You learn a lot about people in spending a bit of time with them,? he says. ?People make comments, or they may have a look on their face, or they may ask, ?you know, how do you want to be paid, or when do we have to pay, or I don?t really know how we can do this.??

?The last thing I?d want anyone to do is to find themselves in financial hardship to provide a funeral for a member of their family,? he says.

But the discrepancies between the actual cost and government provisions are significant. By providing the exact same level of service for families receiving assistance, the funeral homes operate at what ends up being a financial loss, says Manners.

?Our concern is not the quality of service or the level of service. We?re here always to look after the families that come to ask us for help, regardless of their financial situation and regardless for who is paying,? he says.

The rates and terms of assistance for families who cannot afford to pay for a funeral varies between municipalities. In London, the city does not dictate to families what they are entitled to but offers a base level from which the family can upgrade at their own expense. This differs from the GTA for example, where Manners also worked, where the cities decide what the family gets and does not allow for variation.

When Eagle was still in London, she was at odds with the policy of setting restrictions on what was provided by the city. ?Most of our clergy are willing to volunteer to do something. But on the other hand here?s the government expecting that everybody else will pick up the pieces,? she says. ?There?s a little bit of thought there, like, what?s in it for the government to make it that undignified for people. It makes it a different funeral than a regular funeral.?

It?s difficult to define just what a dignified funeral is, because it?s all based on the impression or opinion of the individual, says Manners.

In his opinion, it shouldn?t matter whether the family is receiving assistance or is paying $10,000 or more ? everyone is entitled to the same treatment.

?What I know for certain is the way that things are done here, regardless of the type of funeral someone is having, our approach to provide that dignity is the same. So everyone in my mind receives a dignified funeral.?

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