Thursday, January 26, 2012

John McCain is Wrong to Suggest Fewer Debates (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | During the race for the GOP nomination there have been a large number of debates. The candidates have given the voting public a remarkable amount of time on the air. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has had enough, and according to The Washington Times, believes "There's been too many debates." I disagree strongly and would favor even more of them.

McCain observed the debates have taken a turn toward aggressive tactics by saying, "It's all gotcha. People spend an hour or two insulting each other, so I think it's very damaging," the Denver Post reports. In my mind that is an advantage.

Candidates in a political race are evaluated by the voters according to many criteria. They're judged by their platforms and positions on issues. They're also judged by their apparent personal character.

A large number of debates provide a large number of opportunities for the candidates to present themselves to the American people. They should see it as an opportunity to reinforce their political messages, solidify support amongst their voter bases, earn new votes and distinguish themselves from their rivals.

That is tremendously valuable to the voters. By observing the candidates during debates they learn more about those who seek their votes.

McCain is right when he says large amounts of debate time can be damaging. That is their strength. They help us separate the wheat from the chaff.

If a candidate cannot stay calm in a debate, it's unlikely he could maintain self-control in a real crisis, and that candidate is probably a poor choice as a leader. The same holds true of people who cannot demonstrate a clear plan for the country and communicate it well. If a candidate's platform is so weak that his only debate tactic is sniping at his opponents the voting public needs to know.

Debates are a crucible that boils away the waste and leaves only the polished best for the American public to consider as potential leaders. Bring on more debates, I say. They should exist to benefit the public, not to advance the politicians. If McCain is worried that they will damage the right-wing candidates then he should suggest his party offer better candidates, not suggest restricting the voters' opportunities to see them for who they really are.


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