Monday, August 5, 2013

Firewall in Dr.Web home products 8.0 for Windows updated

' );
if( iterator > 0 )
yearDiv.append( '?' );

yearDiv.append( '' + year + '' ); if( year ' ); yearDiv.append( yearUl ); yearDiv.append( '' ); container.append( yearDiv ); ++iterator; } $('#yr' + nao).show(); return true; } function showYearDiv( year ) { $('.newsYearDiv').hide(); $('#yr' + year).show(); return false; } function getInfoFromNode( info ) { var key = null; var val = null; for( key in info ) { val = info[ key ]; break; } return { 'key': key, 'val': val }; } function openMonthsStatList( year, mon, lng, client ) { return Additions.Helper.redir( Additions.Helper.make_url( Additions.Helper.get_location(), { 'lng': lng, 'c': client, 'm': ( year + '-' + mon + '-01' ) } ) ); } function getPrevYearForYearCal( year, data ) { --year; while( !data[ year ] && ( year > 1970 ) ) --year; return year; } function getNextYearForYearCal( year, data, nao ) { ++year; while( !data[ year ] && ( year

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July 31, 2013

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has updated the firewall ( in Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web Anti-virus 8.0 for Windows. The update resolves known issues in the component.

In particular it corrects the defect when sometimes the firewall's notification window wasn't displayed.

The update will be performed automatically; however, a system reboot will be required.


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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rand Paul Takes Lead in GOP Chase for White House

Chris Christie doesn?t want to talk about the ?nonsense? of his feud with Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

Buzzfeed reports that at the National Governors Association summer meeting being held in Wisconsin from August 1-4, Christie told a reporter who asked him about the internecine spat, ?Yeah, we?re not talking about any of that stuff,? he said. ?We?re here to be governor. We?re not here to talk about that kind of nonsense. You all have a good day, though.?

It seems odd that the man Paul dubbed the ?King of Bacon? would be demonstrating such remarkable self-restraint when a reporter sets revenge on tee and hands him a bat.

Perhaps the answer lies less in a repentant reconsideration and more in political pragmatism, especially now that Rand Paul has reportedly taken the lead in ?The Chase? for the White House in 2016.

What is ?The Chase?? Creator David Catanese explains:

The start of every run?establishes a leader.

And then the chase ensues.

Hence, why we?ve branded our?contribution to the great?horserace dialogue, THE CHASE.

It?s a running ranking system of the most likely 2016 nominees, with?Clinton and Rubio starting at the top of the pack.

But there will be plenty of movement over the next 43 months and the idea at the outset is for you to help craft what running slot each candidate is in at any given moment.

THE RUN has selected 12 of the strongest potential nominees?for Republicans and Democrats?and divided them into two tiers.

On August 1, Catanese?? former Politico reporter?? revealed the latest news from his admittedly unscientific survey, and it won?t make Chris Christie very happy.

?Rand Paul is now the leader of the herd of Republicans who covet the 2016 GOP nomination for president,? Catanese writes, ?placing the Kentucky senator at the top of The CHASE?this month for the first time.?

How did Paul eclipse Christie, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, and other would-be Oval Office occupiers? Catanese says it was the events of the Summer of Paul. He reports:

? He chose to engage Chris Christie?s broadside and **at least** matched him punch for punch, yet also showcased his willingness to deescalate by proposing a beer summit. This continuing fisticuffs raised Rand?s stature and vindicated him as a mover of opinion inside the wayward Republican Party. Oh, and there?s the polling that shows R?s moving in Rand?s direction on the substance of the foreign policy fracas.

? He?s atop polls everywhere. Nationally ? and fighting Marco Rubio to a virtual draw in Iowa. Conservatives are flocking towards Paul while punishing the Florida senator for his involvement in the immigration bill. Women dig him ? and he?s basically performing as well against Clinton as Marco is.

? He?s owning the media cycle ? becoming a ubiquitous presence on television ? mostly FOX ? while traversing the country ? Iowa, Nevada, Tennessee ? earning headlines and local chits along the way.

Christie, by the way, maintains his top-tier billing, but he has slipped into fourth in The Chase, behind frontrunner Paul, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Eight others populate Tier Two: Jeb Bush; Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin; Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal; former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania; Texas Governor Rick Perry; Ohio Governor John Kasich; Senator Ted Cruz of Texas; and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman. Three of them ? Santorum, Perry, and Huntsman ? ran for president in 2012.

Fortunately for Christie?? who famously cozied up to President Obama?? the Establishment media gets it and has provided the portly governor with some campaign calisthenics that will help him sprint past Paul and the others. On August 2, the Washington Post proposed the following training regimen:

1. Win big this year. The larger the margin in his reelection race in New Jersey, the more credibility he will have as the GOP candidate who can win outside of traditionally conservative strong holds.

2. Keep talking about national security, which is the biggest challenge for most governors. He struck a nerve when he bashed Sen.?Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who eventually cried uncle. Christie has the advantage of experience in counter-terrorism as a prosecutor. If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, Christie will be well-versed in the disasters she allowed to develop on her watch at the State Department.

3. Do some traveling and some listening on foreign policy, bringing in an array of advisers who are credible and respected. Starting now saves him from cramming later.

4. Lay out some conservative agenda items for the next year in Trenton, N.J., on health care, taxes and education to capitalize on his reelection and remind Republicans how effective a conservative executive can be. On the national level, he can put forth some of his successful initiatives and also crib from reformers on the national stage, including Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)

5. Go ahead and throw some punches at national Democrats and at liberals more generally. Christie can remind the right that when it comes to pummeling adversaries there is no one tougher and more amusing. He?s taken on the teachers? unions, now what about the radical environmentalists who are blocking domestic energy production?

7. Campaign for some Republicans in 2014, thereby getting his face out there and earning some chits from future lawmakers.

8. Lock down the Eastern corridor donors and the rest of Mitt Romney?s donor list; he?s got the ability to starve other candidates of funds and set up an effective financial team for 2016.

9. Be the grown up in the 2016 race and keep up the barrage against Washington, D.C., antics. Fostering the role of the common sense, tough-minded adult won?t take much effort considering some of the competition.

10. Make more appearances in nonpolitical media, evidencing his likability and ease with popular culture.

(Number 6 is missing in the original Post piece).

Maybe Christie should read the results of a McClatchy-Marist poll from last month before he?s convinced to sign up for campaign cardio.

According to a report on the survey, ??Unsure?? tops the field as the choice of one-fourth of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents. Among actual potential candidates, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie leads with 15 percent, followed closely by the party?s 2012 vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

When it comes to the prospects for rolling back the federal government?s unconstitutional surveillance or eliminating the myriad unconstitutional agencies and departments of the executive branch, there is little hope that Christie will do anything differently from the current president.

Regardless of who moves into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in January 2017, the fight to restore the republic back to its constitutional foundation will remain in the states, each of which has not only the right but the responsibility to reject each and every unconstitutional act of the federal government and reestablish themselves as the bulwarks of liberty they were intended to be.

?Photo of Sen. Rand Paul: AP Images

Joe A. Wolverton, II, J.D. is a correspondent for The New American and travels frequently nationwide speaking on topics of nullification, the NDAA, and the surveillance state. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Heat Waves Make Cities Swelter Synergistically

60-Second Science

Heat waves in cities interact synergistically with the urban heat island effect to raise temperatures more than would be expected from a simple summation calculation. Christopher Intagliata reports.

More 60-Second Science

No wonder it?s gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight. Cities can be anywhere from two to 20 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than nearby countryside, due to what?s known as the "urban heat island" effect. But when heat waves roll through, they interact synergistically with the urban heat island?boosting temperatures even higher than you might expect.

Researchers used a June 2008 heat wave in Baltimore as a case study. They compared temperatures downtown to those near the Baltimore/Washington International Airport?a residential, half-forested area. Using modeling software, they found that temperatures downtown weren't simply a sum of the urban heat island and the heat wave?they were three and a half degrees hotter than that. The results appear in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. [Dan Li and Elie Bou-Zeid, Synergistic Interactions between Urban Heat Islands and Heat Waves: the Impact in Cities is Larger than the Sum of its Parts]

Urban areas are carpeted in asphalt and concrete, which don't hold water like soil and vegetation do. So while the countryside sweats during a heat wave, cooling itself through evaporation, the city just bakes. But researchers say there's a simple solution to beat the heat: install green roofs, and plant some trees. Which would help the concrete jungle live up to the second half of its name.

?Christopher Intagliata

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast]


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Vandals jeopardize youth baseball team's fall season

by Rad Berky / NBC Charlotte

Bio | Email | Follow: @RadBerkywcnc

Posted on August 2, 2013 at 10:48 PM

Updated today at 11:15 PM

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- On a late summer evening in south Charlotte, kids practice baseball anticipating tryouts for the fall season. It is an almost perfect picture, except for one thing.

The outfield fence is lying on the ground and the snack shack next to the playing field is nothing but charred ashes.

John Smith is President of Sardis Dixie Youth Baseball.

"At first it was utter disbelief," Smith said.

He is the one who found the snack shack burned down last April.

Fire investigators believe vandals set fire to a porta-john and as it burned it collapse onto the snack shack.

Smith's son, Jackson, is one of the players.

"Why would they do that," wondered Jackson.

But there was more to come.

Over the Fourth of July holiday, someone rammed through the outfield fence in a vehicle and then sped off.

With a broken fence, the kids will not be able to play here for the fall season that begins in September.

"I'm not one to hold a grudge," the elder Smith said. "I just want to get the fence fixed so that I can keep the field running for these kids."

Estimates are it will cost about $800 to repair the fence in time for the fall season.

Rebuilding the snack shack will be a lot more expensive.

"Early estimates from contractors I have spoke to say between three and $5,000," said Smith.

Smith is hoping some local businesses will step in and help.

If you would like to help you can send a donation to:
Sardis Dixie Youth Baseball,? P.O Box 3489, Matthews, NC.? 28106


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Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Daily Roundup for 08.02.2013

DNP The Daily RoundUp

You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.



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New York City's George Washington Bridge to undergo major construction project starting Monday

FORT LEE, N.J. -- California had its "Carmageddon," complete with sequel. Now, New York could be staring at its own potential transportation disaster.

Officials at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey were hoping for the best Friday as they announced plans to close three of four lanes on the heavily traveled upper deck of the George Washington Bridge to replace sections of the steel beams that support the roadway.

The work is expected to last through the end of the year and will be performed during overnight hours -- not that that will be any comfort to the estimated 20,000 vehicles that cross the span during those hours on weeknights, or the 50,000 that cross on weekend nights.

The bridge has two levels: Trucks are restricted to the upper level, which has four lanes in each direction. The lower level has three lanes in each direction and is not part of the current repair project. Crews will cut, remove and replace more than 600 deck panels -- steel topped with asphalt -- using two large cranes.

Delays of 45 to 60 minutes are expected, but that could be an optimistic assessment. A test run two weeks ago produced 90-minute-delays, albeit with no public notification, said Port Authority tunnels, bridges and terminals director Cedrick Fulton.

"There are going to be delays, no question about it," Fulton said. "We're trying to communicate with the public and urge them to change their driving habits. We're trying to push as many cars as possible down (to the lower level)."

About 300,000 vehicles per day cross the 82-year-old span, which carries Interstate 95 from northern New Jersey across upper Manhattan and northeast into Connecticut. The upper deck opened in 1931, and the lower deck was added in 1962.

About 7 percent of those vehicles travel in the overnight hours during the week and would be affected by the lane closures, Port Authority officials said Friday. That number rises to 17 percent on weekend nights.

The $82 million repair will replace the steel beams underlying the upper deck roadway, which were last replaced in the late 1970s. They were designed to have a 20-year life span, but tests every two years showed they had maintained their integrity, Fulton said. But in recent years, according to bridge chief structural engineer Bernard Yostpille, small cracks had begun to crop up with greater frequency, leading to increasing repairs. The bridge was never in danger from the cracks, said Andrea Giorgi Bocker, engineer of construction for the bridge.

The repairs are being funded by phased-in toll increases implemented in 2011 that will ultimately raise cash tolls from $8 to $15.

Fulton said one concern is that some motorists won't take the warnings seriously because a project last year to shore up a structure on the New York side of the bridge led to far shorter delays than were expected.

Two years ago, a weekend-long closure of a portion of Interstate 405 in Los Angeles was dubbed "Carmageddon" but didn't produce anything resembling the epic traffic jams that many feared. Another weekend closure last fall didn't produce "Carmageddon II," as many motorists stayed off the road.

The George Washington Bridge work is to begin Monday at 11 p.m. in the westbound lanes and will shift to the eastbound lanes the following Monday. The Port Authority plans to extend the hours gradually until the closures last from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. on weeknights and 11 p.m. to 9 a.m. on weekends.

Work schedules also will be tailored around the New York Yankees' home games in the Bronx, Port Authority officials said.


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Friday, August 2, 2013

Top 10 Business Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs | UGO News

Are you a budding entrepreneur or even an established one but experiencing trouble with growing your business through harnessing relationships, here are the Top 10 Business Networking Tips to grow your personal profile and therefore business, according to Jason Razar:

Top 10 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

Top 10 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

1. Meet More?? the key to any meet-up is first to meet others. ?Seems like that would be rather self explanatory. ? But inevitably most meet-ups end up resembling a junior high playground where the 3 people that know each other stay huddled in a corner, wondering why the other kids are having more fun. ?The biggest mistake most folks make is that they don?t meet more new people. Make it your goal at every meet-up to approach 10 people you don?t already know.


2. Get Business Cards, Don?t Give Them?? when you meet new important contacts don?t bother giving them your business card unsolicited, they?ll just end up in business card purgatory. ?Do make sure to get their contact information and right then and there send them a follow up email, facebook/linkedin request, twitter shout out and you?ll meaningfully increase your odds of staying in touch.

Business Networking Tips

Business Networking Tips

3. Be the Connector?? there is great value in positioning yourself as the person that can connect people at networking events and meet-ups. Take the time to introduce people that might be able to work together, are looking for jobs, or could be co-founders. ? By positioning yourself as a connector at meet-ups you?ll find your professional/social credibility climbing steadily.


4.?Do Favors for Others: the law of reciprocity dictates that people want to help other who help them. Most folks at meet-ups spend most of their time talking about themselves or seeing what they can get out of the situation. By being the person that focuses on helping others you?ll instantly stand out among the crowd and will build a bank account full of goodwill that you?ll be able to repeatedly withdraw from in the future.


5.?Make Sure Others Know What You Do?? how many times have you left a conversation with a long winded person, still having no idea what they really do. ? Make sure everyone you talk to knows what you do, and could easily explain it to anyone else at the meet-up. ?Your goal is to have lots of people talking about you, and it starts by having others easily be able to communicate what you?re all about.


6.?Social Proof is Key?? don?t make the mistake of telling others how great you are, get other people to do it for you. ? Having someone else at the meet-up point you out or suggest that you?re an important person to get to know, is infinitely more valuable than anything you could do to talk yourself up.


7.?Don?t Talk to Anyone for Too Long?? the purpose of a meet-up is to meet as many people as you can, and likely no meaningful business will get accomplished there. Your goal is not to have a very thorough conversation with one person, it?s to identify as many people as possible that you might be able to work or connect with in the future. Have lots of short, to the point, relevant conversations and you?ll open up the most opportunity.


8.?Set Up Meetings Outside of Meetups?? you can do everything right at the meet-up but if the connections end there, it?s all for not. Make sure to set up follow up 1 on 1 meetings where you can really sit down and get to know someone and build more meaningful relationships.

9.?Be the Organizer?? there is a lot more value being the organizer than the attendee, mostly because everyone knows the organizer. ?It may be more work up front, but the professional dividends that pay out over time make it well worth it.


10.?Don?t Spend Too Much Time in the Meet-up Scene?? even a good thing can be taken too far. ?Some folks seem to be at every meet-up and are always the last to leave, but don?t necessarily seem to be getting anywhere in their professional career. ? If you find yourself associating with the same people at meet-ups time and time again, none of whom are making meaningful progress on a new venture or job, it might be time to do more doing and less meeting.


So, if you are looking to grow your business relations, follow these tips and you will be headed for success.


Article authored by: Jason Nazar; (Co-Founder and CEO of?, the premier online community to find and share professional documents.)

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

BoE readies guidance push, under wraps for now

By William Schomberg

LONDON (Reuters) - The Bank of England and its new governor Mark Carney will put the finishing touches to a fresh approach to nurturing Britain's nascent economic recovery on Thursday, when the central bank wraps up a policy meeting.

But financial markets will probably have wait a few more days before getting details of the long-awaited steer on how long interest rates are likely to stay at their record low.

At his Bank first policy meeting nearly a month ago, Carney surprised investors with a warning that they were pricing in a rate hike too soon.

That pushed down sterling and British government yields, and launched Carney's governorship with a bang.

Economists are taking no chances this time around. They have warned of the outside possibility of a cut to the Bank's benchmark interest rate or more measures by the Monetary Policy Committee to try to encourage banks to lend to businesses.

JP Morgan entitled a note to clients: "Covering all the bases for tomorrow's MPC meeting." It put the chances of a change in policy at 20 percent.

The most likely scenario is that the bank holds interest rates at 0.5 percent and keeps on ice its bond-buying programme which has been dormant since October.

It is also expected to keep a lid, for now, on whatever agreement policymakers strike on how to convince households, businesses and markets that borrowing costs will remain low.

The MPC announcement is due to be made at 1200 BST, shortly before the conclusion of the European Central Bank's monthly policy meeting which could provide more detail on its own plans to persuade markets that an interest rate hike is not on the cards.

The U.S. Federal Reserve offered no hint after its latest policy meeting ended on Wednesday that it plans to trim its stimulus programme soon, saying the U.S. economy is recovering but still needs support.


Carney used 'forward guidance' to help shield his native Canada from the worst of the financial crisis, pledging in 2009 to keep interest rates unchanged for more than a year.

It was that kind of bold move that caught the eye of British chancellor George Osborne who named Carney as the Bank's first ever foreign governor late last year.

Osborne has asked Carney and the rest of the Bank's policymakers to report back to him on August 7, alongside the bank's quarterly economic forecasts, on the merits of bringing forward guidance to Britain.

Unlike in Canada, where he needed consensus from his deputies at the country's central bank, Carney has to win over the Bank's nine-strong MPC, including its independent external policymakers.

Several of them have expressed concerns about making commitments on monetary policy which could hamper their ability to respond to changes in the economy. Signs of a turnaround in Britain have begun to appear in recent months.

But the economy remains more than 3 percent smaller than before the financial crisis and is vulnerable to interest rates creeping back up in financial markets, especially at the U.S. economy picks up and exerts pressure on British debt prices.

With all nine MPC members voting against further bond buying at their July 3-4 meeting, the bank's focus on protecting the recovery seems to lie with giving clear guidance on rates, possibly by making a hike conditional on a fall in unemployment.

"There seems little doubt that Mr. Carney and his MPC colleagues will want to ram home the message to businesses, consumers and the markets that any tightening of monetary policy is a very long way off," said Howard Archer, chief UK economist with IHS Global Insight in London.


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